
Animals in Arabic

Mastering a new language can be made more enjoyable and engaging by learning the names of animals. This class aims to introduce you to essential Arabic vocabulary related to animals.

Learn Basic Animal Vocabulary

Here are basic animal words in Arabic:

  • Animal
  • حيوان
  • (Haywan)
  • Dog
  • كلب
  • (Kalb)
  • Cat
  • قط
  • (Qutt)
  • Mouse
  • فأر
  • (Fa’r)
  • Horse
  • حصان
  • (Husan)
  • Deer
  • غزال
  • (Ghazal)
  • Wolf
  • ذئب
  • (Dhi’b)
  • Fish
  • سمكة
  • (Samakah)
  • Bird
  • طائر
  • (Ta’ir)
  • Rabbit
  • أرنب
  • (Arnab)
  • Bear
  • دب
  • (Dubb)
  • Ant
  • نملة
  • (Namla)
  • Fox
  • ثعلب
  • (Thu’alb)
  • Frog
  • ضفدع
  • (Difda’)
  • Bee
  • نحلة
  • (Nahla)

Learn related vocabulary

Now, let’s expand your vocabulary with words related to the animal attributes, animal habitats, and animal actions.

Animal Attributes:

  • Big
  • كبير
  • (Kabeer)
  • Small
  • صغير
  • (Sagheer)
  • Fast
  • سريع
  • (Saree’)
  • Slow
  • بطيء
  • (Batee’)
  • Strong
  • قوي
  • (Qawi)

Animal Habitats:

  • Forest
  • غابة
  • (Ghābah)
  • Desert
  • صحراء
  • (Sahra’)
  • Sea
  • بحر
  • (Bahr)
  • Mountain
  • جبل
  • (Jabal)
  • River
  • نهر (Nahr)

Animal Actions:

  • Eats
  • يأكل
  • (Yakul)
  • Drinks
  • يشرب
  • (Yashrab)
  • Sleeps
  • ينام
  • (Yanaam)
  • Plays
  • يلعب
  • (Yala’b)
  • Bites
  • يعض
  • (Ya’ud)

With this list of Arabic vocabulary related to animals, you’re well on your way to broadening your understanding of the language. Practice using these words regularly to help them stick.

Tap the button below to access a comprehensive Arabic animal vocabulary collection with audio.

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