
Clothes Vocabulary in Arabic

Expanding your language skills through learning Arabic clothing vocabulary can be both practical and enjoyable. This class offers an introduction to the most commonly used clothing items in Arabic, enabling you to take your language proficiency to new heights.

Learn Basic Clothing Vocabulary

We’ll start by covering the most common items of clothing in Arabic:

  • Shirt
  • قميص
  • (qamees)
  • Pants
  • بنطال
  • (bantal)
  • Dress
  • فستان
  • (fustan)
  • Jacket
  • جاكيت
  • (jaket)
  • Skirt
  • تنورة
  • (tanura)
  • Hat
  • قبعة
  • (quba’a)
  • Shoes
  • حذاء
  • (hida’)
  • Socks
  • جوارب
  • (jawarib)
  • Glasses
  • نظارات
  • (nazarat)
  • Bag
  • حقيبة
  • (haqiba)
  • Coat
  • معطف
  • (mu’attaf)
  • Gloves
  • قفازات
  • (qufazat)
  • Underwear
  • ملابس داخلية
  • (malabis dakhilia)
  • Tie
  • ربطة عنق
  • (rabta ‘onuq)
  • Watch
  • ساعة
  • (sa’a)

Learn related vocabulary

After getting comfortable with the basic clothing vocabulary, we can broaden our range with some additional terms. These will help you discuss clothing in more detail, whether you’re shopping, packing for a trip, or just chatting about fashion.

Different Types of Materials:

  • Cotton
  • قطن
  • (qutn)
  • Wool
  • الصوف
  • (as-suf)
  • Leather
  • الجلد
  • (al-jild)
  • Silk
  • الحرير
  • (al-harir)
  • Denim
  • الدينيم
  • (aldinim)

Describing Clothing Sizes:

  • Small
  • صغير
  • (saghir)
  • Medium
  • متوسط
  • (mutawasset)
  • Large
  • كبير
  • (kabir)
  • Tight
  • ضيق
  • (dayiq)
  • Loose
  • فضفاض
  • (fadfad)

Describing Clothing Styles:

  • Modern
  • عصري
  • (asri)
  • Traditional
  • تقليدي
  • (taqleedi)
  • Sporty
  • رياضي
  • (riyadi)
  • Formal
  • رسمي
  • (rasmi)
  • Casual
  • غير رسمي
  • (ghayr rasmi)

As you learn, remember to continually practice these new words. Try incorporating them into your daily routine, whether that’s describing what you’re wearing each day, or even just mentally naming the clothes you see while out and about.

Click the button below to access a comprehensive list of clothing vocabulary in Arabic with audio.

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