
Transport Vocabulary in Arabic

Whether you’re planning to travel to an Arabic-speaking country or just want to broaden your linguistic horizon, knowing the essential words for transportation can be incredibly helpful. With this guide, we aim to introduce the beginner learners to the basic and some detailed vocabulary about transport in Arabic. Let’s dive in!

Learn Basic Transport Vocabulary

To start, here are of the most common modes of transportation in Arabic:

  • Car
  • سيارة
  • (sayyara)
  • Train
  • قطار
  • (qitaar)
  • Airplane
  • طائرة
  • (taa’ira)
  • Bus
  • حافلة
  • (hafla)
  • Bike
  • دراجة
  • (daraja)
  • Motorcycle
  • دراجة نارية
  • (daraja nariya)
  • Ship
  • سفينة
  • (safina)
  • Boat
  • قارب
  • (qarib)
  • Taxi
  • تاكسي
  • (taxi)
  • Metro
  • مترو
  • (metro)
  • Truck
  • شاحنة
  • (shaahina)
  • Minibus
  • حافلة صغيرة
  • (hafla saghira)
  • Rickshaw
  • ركشة
  • (rikksha)
  • Cart
  • عربة
  • (araba)
  • Helicopter
  • طائرة هليكوبتر
  • (taa’ira helikobtar)

Learn related vocabulary

After becoming familiar with the basic transportation terms, let’s expand our knowledge with related vocabulary.

Transportation Infrastructure:

  • Station
  • محطة
  • (mahatta)
  • Airport
  • مطار
  • (matar)
  • Port
  • ميناء
  • (mina)
  • Road
  • طريق
  • (tareeq)
  • Bridge
  • جسر
  • (jesr)

Directions and Navigation:

  • Right
  • يمين
  • (yameen)
  • Left
  • يسار
  • (yesaar)
  • Straight
  • مستقيم
  • (mustaqeem)
  • Roundabout
  • دوران
  • (dawran)
  • Intersection
  • تقاطع
  • (taqaatua)

Transport Related Verbs:

  • To drive
  • يقود
  • (yaqud)
  • To ride
  • يركب
  • (yarkeb)
  • To travel
  • يسافر
  • (yusafer)
  • To cross
  • يعبر
  • (yu’abir)
  • To fly
  • يطير
  • (yatir)

n order to remember these new words, try to use them on a daily basis. For example, when you’re on your way to work or school, think about the different modes of transportation you encounter and their Arabic names. The more often you use the vocabulary, the easier it will be to recall when you need it.

Tap the button below to access a complete list of Arabic transport vocabulary with audio.

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