
Shops and Places Vocabulary in Arabic

Understanding the vocabulary related to shops and places is essential for navigating through an Arabic-speaking country or community. Whether you are asking for directions, going shopping, or describing your surroundings, this guide will help you get familiar with some common words and phrases used in these contexts in Arabic. Let’s begin!

Learn Basic Shops and Places Vocabulary

Start your learning journey with these common shops and places:

  • Shop
  • متجر
  • (matjar)
  • Grocery Store
  • محل بقالة
  • (mahall baqala)
  • Restaurant
  • مطعم
  • (mat’am)
  • Bookstore
  • مكتبة
  • (maktaba)
  • Clothing Store
  • محل ملابس
  • (mahall malabis)
  • Pharmacy
  • صيدلية
  • (saydaliya)
  • Hospital
  • مستشفى
  • (mustashfa)
  • Post Office
  • مكتب بريد
  • (maktab bareed)
  • School
  • مدرسة
  • (madrasa)
  • University
  • جامعة
  • (jaami’a)
  • City
  • مدينة
  • (madina)
  • Village
  • قرية
  • (qariya)
  • Airport
  • مطار
  • (matar)
  • Train Station
  • محطة قطار
  • (mahattat qitar)
  • Hotel
  • فندق
  • (fundoq)

Learn related vocabulary

To further enhance your vocabulary related to shops and places, let’s focus on three specific categories:

Direction-related Vocabulary:

  • North
  • شمال
  • (shamal)
  • South
  • جنوب
  • (janub)
  • East
  • شرق
  • (sharq)
  • West
  • غرب
  • (gharb)
  • Center
  • مركز
  • (markaz)

Shopping-related Vocabulary:

  • Price
  • سعر
  • (se’ir)
  • Bill
  • فاتورة
  • (fatoora)
  • Discount
  • خصم
  • (khasm)
  • Shopping Cart
  • سلة التسوق
  • (salat attasawuq)
  • Payment
  • دفع
  • (daf’)

Place Descriptors:

  • Small
  • صغير
  • (sagheer)
  • Big
  • كبير
  • (kabeer)
  • Crowded
  • مزدحم
  • (muzdaham)
  • Quiet
  • هادئ
  • (hadee’)
  • Clean
  • نظيف
  • (nadeef)

Consistently practicing these words in relevant situations will solidify their meanings in your memory. Try to use them when describing a scene, a photograph, or when discussing your day. Using the vocabulary in context is key to effective language acquisition. Keep practicing, and your Arabic language skills will surely improve!

Tap the button below to access a comprehensive list of Arabic shops and places vocabulary with audio.

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