
School Vocabulary in Arabic

When learning a new language, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with common contexts and settings, such as school. For students, teachers, or anyone involved in an educational context, school-related vocabulary is of great importance. This guide will introduce you to some common Arabic vocabulary pertaining to school. Let’s dive in!

Learn Basic School Vocabulary

Start by getting familiar with these common school-related words:

  • School
  • مدرسة
  • (madrasa)
  • Student
  • طالب
  • (talib)
  • Teacher
  • معلم
  • (muallim)
  • Lesson
  • درس
  • (dars)
  • Book
  • كتاب
  • (kitab)
  • Pen
  • قلم
  • (qalam)
  • Notebook
  • دفتر
  • (daftar)
  • Class
  • صف
  • (saff)
  • Library
  • مكتبة
  • (maktaba)
  • Laboratory
  • مختبر
  • (mukhtabar)
  • Mathematics
  • رياضيات
  • (riyadiyat)
  • Science
  • علوم
  • (ulum)
  • Language
  • لغة
  • (lughah)
  • Art
  • فن
  • (fun)
  • Sports
  • رياضة
  • (riyadah)

Learn Related Vocabulary

To further enrich your school-related vocabulary, let’s delve into three specific categories:

Classroom Objects:

  • Eraser
  • مساحة
  • (masaha)
  • Chalkboard
  • سبورة
  • (sabura)
  • Desk
  • منضدة
  • (mundada)
  • Chair
  • كرسي
  • (kursi)
  • Backpack
  • حقيبة
  • (haqiba)

School Personnel:

  • Principal
  • مدير
  • (mudeer)
  • Counselor
  • مرشد
  • (murshid)
  • Librarian
  • مكتبة
  • (maktaba)
  • Guard
  • حارس
  • (haris)
  • Coach
  • مدرب
  • (mudarrib)

Academic Subjects:

  • History
  • تاريخ
  • (tarikh)
  • Geography
  • جغرافيا
  • (jugrafiya)
  • Philosophy
  • فلسفة
  • (falsafa)
  • Biology
  • بيولوجيا
  • (biyolujya)
  • Music
  • موسيقى
  • (musiqa)

Practice these words consistently, and try to use them in context when possible. For example, try to describe a school day, a classroom, or a learning experience using these words. The key to effective language learning is using vocabulary in meaningful and relevant contexts. Happy learning!

Click on the button below to access a complete list of Arabic school-related vocabulary with audio.

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