
Shapes Vocabulary in Spanish

Learning the names of shapes in Spanish to expand your vocabulary is essential. Whether you’re describing objects, working in a design field, or teaching children, knowing how to talk about shapes in Spanish will be useful. This class will provide a helpful, step-by-step guide to teach you essential Spanish vocabulary related to shapes.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for shapes. This list will help you get started:

  • Shape
  • La forma
  • (lah FOR-mah)

  • Circle
  • El círculo
  • (el SEEER-koo-loh)

  • Square
  • El cuadrado
  • (el kwah-DRAH-doh)

  • Rectangle
  • El rectángulo
  • (el rehk-TAHN-goo-loh)

  • Triangle
  • El triángulo
  • (el tree-AHN-goo-loh)

  • Pentagon
  • El pentágono
  • (el pehn-TAH-goh-noh)

  • Hexagon
  • El hexágono
  • (el ehk-SAH-goh-noh)

  • Octagon
  • El octágono
  • (el ohk-TAH-goh-noh)

  • Star
  • La estrella
  • (lah ess-TREH-yah)

  • Oval
  • El óvalo
  • (el OH-bah-loh)

  • Rhombus
  • El rombo
  • (el ROHM-boh)

  • Parallelogram
  • El paralelogramo
  • (el pah-rah-leh-loh-GRAH-moh)

  • Trapezoid
  • El trapecio
  • (el trah-PEH-syo)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your knowledge of shapes by familiarizing yourself with terms related to dimensions, angles, and other relevant concepts. This will enable you to describe shapes with greater precision and engage in more interesting discussions.


  • Dimension
  • La dimensión
  • (lah dee-mehn-see-OHN)

  • Two-dimensional
  • Bidimensional
  • (bee-dee-mehn-see-oh-NAHL)

  • Three-dimensional
  • Tridimensional
  • (tree-dee-mehn-see-oh-NAHL)


  • Angle
  • El ángulo
  • (el AHN-goo-loh)

  • Right angle
  • El ángulo recto
  • (el AHN-goo-loh REH-ktoh)

  • Acute angle
  • El ángulo agudo
  • (el AHN-goo-loh ah-GOO-doh)

  • Obtuse angle
  • El ángulo obtuso
  • (el AHN-goo-loh ohb-TOO-soh)

  • Straight angle
  • El ángulo llano
  • (el AHN-goo-loh YAH-noh)

Other related terms

  • Line
  • La línea
  • (lah LEE-nyah)

  • Curve
  • La curva
  • (lah KOOR-bah)

  • Corner
  • La esquina
  • (lah ess-KEE-nah)

  • Point
  • El punto
  • (el POON-toh)

  • Surface
  • La superficie
  • (lah soo-per-fee-SEE-eh)

If you want to become fluent in Spanish, it’s important to learn vocabulary related to shapes. This guide provides the necessary vocabulary to help you become familiar with these words. To access a complete list of shapes vocabulary with audio, simply tap the button below.

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