
Professions Vocabulary in Spanish

Learning Spanish vocabulary related to professions is essential as you progress in your Spanish language learning journey. Discussing different occupations allows you to talk about your job or someone else’s and also helps you ask and answer questions about careers and network in a professional setting. This class will provide a step-by-step guide to learning the essential Spanish vocabulary related to professions.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for professions. This list will help you get started:

  • Doctor
  • El médico / La médica
  • (el MEH-dee-koh / lah MEH-dee-kah)

  • Nurse
  • El enfermero / La enfermera
  • (el ehn-fehr-MEH-roh / lah ehn-fehr-MEH-rah)

  • Dentist
  • El dentista / La dentista
  • (el dehn-TEE-stah / lah dehn-TEE-stah)

  • Lawyer
  • El abogado / La abogada
  • (el ah-boh-GAH-doh / lah ah-boh-GAH-dah)

  • Engineer
  • El ingeniero / La ingeniera
  • (el een-heh-NYEH-roh / lah een-heh-NYEH-rah)

  • Architect
  • El arquitecto / La arquitecta
  • (el ahr-kee-TEHK-toh / lah ahr-kee-TEHK-tah)

  • Teacher
  • El profesor / La profesora
  • (el proh-feh-SOHR / lah proh-feh-SOH-rah)

  • Scientist
  • El científico / La científica
  • (el syehn-TEE-fee-koh / lah syehn-TEE-fee-kah)

  • Cook / Chef
  • El cocinero / La cocinera
  • (el koh-see-NEH-roh / lah koh-see-NEH-rah)

  • Waiter / Waitress
  • El camarero / La camarera
  • (el kah-mah-REH-roh / lah kah-mah-REH-rah)

  • Mechanic
  • El mecánico / La mecánica
  • (el meh-KAH-nee-koh / lah meh-KAH-nee-kah)

  • Police officer
  • El policía / La policía
  • (el poh-lee-SEE-ah / lah poh-lee-SEE-ah)

  • Firefighter
  • El bombero / La bombera
  • (el bohm-BEH-roh / lah bohm-BEH-rah)

  • Writer
  • El escritor / La escritora
  • (el ehsk-REE-tohr / lah ehsk-REE-toh-rah)

  • Actor / Actress
  • El actor / La actriz
  • (el ak-TOR / lah ahk-TREES)

Learn related vocabulary

You can enhance your vocabulary related to professions by familiarizing yourself with words related to the work environment, job search, and other relevant terms. Doing so will enable you to participate in more meaningful conversations about careers and the professional world.

Work environment:

  • Work / Job
  • El trabajo
  • (el trah-BAH-hoh)

  • Office
  • La oficina
  • (lah oh-fee-SEE-nah)

  • Company
  • La empresa
  • (lah em-PREH-sah)

  • Boss
  • El jefe / La jefa
  • (el HEH-feh / lah HEH-fah)

  • Employee
  • El empleado / La empleada
  • (el em-pleh-AH-doh / lah em-pleh-AH-dah)

Job search:

  • Resume
  • El currículum
  • (el koo-REE-koo-lum)

  • Interview
  • La entrevista
  • (lah en-treh-VEES-tah)

  • Salary
  • El salario
  • (el sah-lah-REE-oh)

  • Job offer
  • La oferta de trabajo
  • (lah oh-FER-tah deh trah-BAH-hoh)

  • Full-time
  • A tiempo completo
  • (ah tee-EHM-poh kohm-PLEH-toh)

  • Part-time
  • A tiempo parcial
  • (ah tee-EHM-poh PAR-see-al)

Other related terms:

  • Career
  • La carrera
  • (lah ka-REH-rah)

  • Promotion
  • El ascenso
  • (el ah-SEN-soh)

  • Contract
  • El contrato
  • (el kohn-TRAH-toh)

  • Work experience
  • La experiencia laboral
  • (lah eks-peh-ree-EHN-syah lah-boh-RAHL)

  • Unemployment
  • El desempleo
  • (el des-em-pleh-oh)

Becoming fluent in Spanish requires mastering vocabulary related to professions. To help you with this, follow the steps provided in this guide. Click the button below to access a complete list of occupations vocabulary in Spanish, complete with audio pronunciations.

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