
Directions Vocabulary in Spanish

To enhance your language skills, learning Spanish vocabulary related to directions is crucial. This will allow you to ask for and provide directions, explore your surroundings, and talk about locations. Our class offers a detailed guide to help you learn the necessary vocabulary for directions in Spanish.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for direction-related terms. This list will help you get started:

  • Direction
  • La dirección
  • (lah dee-rehk-see-ohn)

  • North
  • Norte
  • (nohr-teh)

  • South
  • Sur
  • (soor)

  • East
  • Este
  • (ehs-teh)

  • West
  • Oeste
  • (oh-ehs-teh)

  • Left
  • Izquierda
  • (ees-kyehr-dah)

  • Right
  • Derecha
  • (deh-reh-chah)

  • Straight
  • Recto / Derecho
  • (rehk-toh / deh-reh-choh)

  • Corner
  • La esquina
  • (lah ehs-kee-nah)

  • Street
  • La calle
  • (lah kah-yeh)

  • Avenue
  • La avenida
  • (lah ah-veh-nee-dah)

  • Traffic light
  • El semáforo
  • (el seh-mah-foh-roh)

  • Roundabout
  • La rotonda
  • (lah roh-tohn-dah)

  • Intersection
  • El cruce
  • (el kroo-seh)

  • Bridge
  • El puente
  • (el pwen-teh)

Learn related vocabulary

Improve your knowledge of directions by familiarizing yourself with locations, landmarks, and navigation terms. This will enhance your ability to have engaging conversations about places and how to get around them.


  • Map
  • El mapa
  • (el mah-pah)

  • GPS
  • El GPS
  • (el heh-PEH-seh)

  • Bus stop
  • La parada de autobús
  • (lah pah-rah-dah deh ow-toh-boos)

  • Train station
  • La estación de tren
  • (lah ehs-tah-syohn deh tren)

  • Airport
  • El aeropuerto
  • (el ah-ehr-oh-pwehr-toh)


  • Building
  • El edificio
  • (el eh-dee-fee-syoh)

  • Monument
  • El monumento
  • (el moh-noo-mehn-toh)

  • Park
  • El parque
  • (el pahr-keh)

  • Museum
  • El museo
  • (el moo-seh-oh)

  • Church
  • La iglesia
  • (lah eeg-leh-syah)

Other related terms:

  • Near
  • Cerca
  • (sehr-kah)

  • Far
  • Lejos
  • (leh-hohs)

  • Next to
  • Al lado de
  • (ahl lah-doh deh)

  • Opposite
  • Enfrente de
  • (ehn-frehn-teh deh)

  • Between
  • Entre
  • (ehn-treh)

To become fluent in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to directions is crucial. Follow the steps in this guide to become familiar with these words, practice them in context, and expand your vocabulary with related terms. Click the button below to access the complete vocabulary with audio.

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