
French Greetings

To improve your French language skills, learning the vocabulary related to greetings is essential. This will help you initiate conversations, show respect, and make a positive impression on French speakers. Our class offers a step-by-step guide to help you learn the essential French vocabulary for greetings.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common French words for greetings. This list will help you get started:

  • Hello / Good morning
  • Bonjour
  • (bohn-ZHOOR)

  • Good evening
  • Bonsoir
  • (bohn-SWAHR)

  • Good night
  • Bonne nuit
  • (bawn NWEE)

  • Hi / Bye (informal)
  • Salut
  • (sah-LEW)

  • See you soon
  • À bientôt
  • (ah byahn-TOH)

  • Goodbye
  • Au revoir
  • (oh rev-WAHR)

  • Welcome
  • Bienvenue
  • (byahn-VEN-ew)

  • Thank you
  • Merci
  • (mehr-SEE)

  • Excuse me
  • Excusez-moi
  • (eks-kew-zay-MWAH)

  • Pardon / Sorry
  • Pardon
  • (pahr-DOHN)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your greeting skills by mastering words related to introductions, courtesy phrases, and related terms. This will enable you to have more engaging conversations and display politeness in French.


  • My name is…
  • Je m’appelle…
  • (zhuh mah-PEL)

  • Nice to meet you
  • Enchanté(e)
  • (ahn-shahn-TAY)

  • What’s your name? (formal)
  • Comment vous appelez-vous?
  • (koh-mawn vooz ah-peh-lay VOO)

  • What’s your name? (informal)
  • Comment tu t’appelles?
  • (koh-mawn tew tah-PEL)

Courtesy phrases:

  • Please (formal)
  • S’il vous plaît
  • (seel voo PLEH)

  • Please (informal)
  • S’il te plaît
  • (seel teh PLEH)

  • Thank you very much
  • Merci beaucoup
  • (mehr-SEE boh-KOO)

  • You’re welcome / It’s nothing
  • De rien
  • (duh RYAN)

Other related terms:

  • How are you?
  • Comment ça va?
  • (koh-mawn sah vah)

  • I’m fine, thank you
  • Ça va bien, merci
  • (sah vah byan, mehr-SEE)

  • I’m not well
  • Ça va mal
  • (sah vah MAL)

  • Not bad
  • Pas mal
  • (pah MAL)

Incorporate vocabulary into daily conversations

To apply the new French vocabulary effectively, use phrases related to greetings in different contexts. Here are a few examples:

  • Hello, how are you?
  • Bonjour, comment ça va?
  • (bohn-ZHOOR, koh-mawn sah vah)

  • Good evening, ma’am
  • Bonsoir, madame.
  • (bohn-SWAHR, mah-DAHM)

  • See you soon, I hope!
  • À bientôt, j’espère!
  • (ah byahn-TOH, zheh-SPAIR)

  • Goodbye and have a good day!
  • Au revoir et bonne journée!
  • (oh ruh-VWAHR ay bon zhoor-NAY)

  • Hi, it’s been a while!
  • Salut, ça fait longtemps!
  • (sah-LEW, sah feh lawn-TAWN)

To become fluent in French, learning vocabulary related to greetings is essential. Follow the steps in this guide to become familiar with these words, practice using them in context, and expand your vocabulary with related terms. Click the button below to access a complete list of French greetings vocabulary with audio.

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