
Shapes Vocabulary in French

If you want to improve your French language skills, learning vocabulary related to shapes is essential. This will allow you to describe objects, talk about patterns, and understand geometry in a French-speaking environment. In this class, we’ll provide a clear and easy-to-follow guide to help you learn the essential French vocabulary related to shapes.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common French words for shapes. This list will help you get started:

  • Shapes
  • Les formes (f)
  • (lay fohrm)

  • Circle
  • Le cercle
  • (luh SEHR-kl)

  • Square
  • Le carré
  • (luh kah-RAY)

  • Rectangle
  • Le rectangle
  • (luh reh-k-tahn-GLE)

  • Triangle
  • Le triangle
  • (luh tree-AHN-gle)

  • Diamond / Rhombus
  • Le losange
  • (luh loh-ZAHNZH)

  • Oval
  • L’ovale (m)
  • (lo-VAL)

  • Pentagon
  • Le pentagone
  • (luh pahn-ta-GON)

  • Hexagon
  • L’hexagone (m)
  • (lehks-a-GON)

  • Octagon
  • L’octogone (m)
  • (lok-to-GON)

Learn related vocabulary

Once you have a good grasp of the fundamental geometric shapes, expanding your knowledge by learning the associated vocabulary is essential. This will allow you to engage in more thought-provoking conversations about geometry and design in French.

Dimensions and angles:

  • Length
  • La longueur
  • (lah lon-GUHR)

  • Width
  • La largeur
  • (lah lar-ZHUHR)

  • Height
  • La hauteur
  • (lah oh-TUHR)

  • Diameter
  • Le diamètre
  • (luh dyah-MEHT-ruh)

  • Angle
  • L’angle (m)
  • (l-AHN-gle)

Geometry terms:

  • Pattern
  • Le motif
  • (luh moh-TEEF)

  • Drawing / Design
  • Le dessin
  • (luh day-SAHN)

  • Geometric
  • Géométrique
  • (zhay-oh-MEH-treek)

  • Symmetrical
  • Symétrique
  • (see-MEH-treek)

  • Asymmetrical
  • Asymétrique
  • (ah-see-MEH-treek)

Properties of shapes:

  • Side
  • Le côté
  • (luh koh-TAY)

  • Vertex
  • Le sommet
  • (luh soh-MAY)

  • Surface area
  • La surface
  • (lah soo-RFAHS)

  • Perimeter
  • Le périmètre
  • (luh pay-ree-MEHT-ruh)

  • Radius
  • Le rayon
  • (luh ray-OHN)

To become fluent in French, learning vocabulary related to shapes is essential. This guide outlined steps to help you become familiar with these words and expand your vocabulary with related terms. As you become more comfortable with this vocabulary, you can describe objects confidently, discuss patterns, and understand geometry in a French-speaking context.

Tap the button below to access the complete list of French shapes vocabulary with audio.

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