
Outdoor Activities in French

If you want to enjoy your time in French-speaking environments, learning French vocabulary related to outdoor activities is crucial. This knowledge will come in handy whether traveling or socializing with native speakers. Our class will guide you step-by-step to learn essential French vocabulary for outdoor activities.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common French words related to outdoor activities:

  • Outdoor activities
  • Les activités de plein air (f)
  • (layz ak-tee-vee-tay duh pluh-NAYR)

  • Hiking
  • La randonnée
  • (la ran-do-NAY)

  • Camping
  • Le camping
  • (luh kam-PEENG)

  • Picnic
  • Le pique-nique
  • (luh peek-NEEK)

  • Swimming
  • La natation
  • (la na-ta-SYAWN)

  • Biking
  • Le vélo
  • (luh VAY-loh)

  • Fishing
  • La pêche
  • (la pesh)

  • Skiing
  • Le ski
  • (luh ski)

  • Snowboarding
  • Le snowboard
  • (luh snoh-boarD)

  • Rock climbing
  • L’escalade (f)
  • (les-ka-LAHD)

  • Canoeing
  • Le canoë
  • (luh ka-NOH-ay)

  • Kayaking
  • Le kayak
  • (luh ka-YAK)

  • Sailing
  • La voile
  • (la vwahl)

  • Scuba diving
  • La plongée sous-marine
  • (la plon-ZHAY soo-ma-REEN)

  • Surfing
  • Le surf
  • (luh serf)

Learn related vocabulary

During this step, you will enhance your vocabulary related to outdoor activities. This will aid you in comprehending and discussing various leisure pursuits. The words are categorized into three subgroups: equipment, locations, and actions.


  • Equipment / Gear
  • Le matériel
  • (luh ma-teh-ryell)

  • Backpack
  • Le sac à dos
  • (luh sak a doh)

  • Tent
  • La tente
  • (la tahnt)

  • Mountain bike
  • Le vélo de montagne
  • (luh VAY-loh duh mawn-TAHN-yuh)

  • Hiking boots
  • Les chaussures de randonnée (f)
  • (lay sho-SUR duh rahn-doh-NAY)


  • Trail / Path
  • Le sentier
  • (luh sahn-TYAY)

  • Mountain
  • La montagne
  • (la mawn-TAHN-yuh)

  • Forest
  • La forêt
  • (la foh-RAY)

  • Beach
  • La plage
  • (la plazh)

  • Park
  • Le parc
  • (luh park)


  • To go biking
  • Faire du vélo
  • (fair doo VAY-loh)

  • To walk
  • Marcher
  • (mar-SHAY)

  • To run
  • Courir
  • (koo-REER)

  • To swim
  • Nager
  • (na-ZHAY)

  • To climb
  • Grimper
  • (grahm-PAY)

If you plan on spending time in French-speaking areas or socializing with native speakers, learning French vocabulary related to outdoor activities is crucial. This will help you maximize your time there. To expand your vocabulary, follow the steps in this guide and become familiar with related terms.

Click the button below to access the complete list of French outdoor activities with audio.

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