
Animals in Italian

If you want to enhance your Italian language skills, learning vocabulary about animals could be a fun and effective way to do so. Whether you have a fondness for animals or want to broaden your vocabulary, this class offers a comprehensive guide to mastering essential Italian animal-related terms, one step at a time.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common Italian words related to animals:

  • Dog
  • Il cane
  • (eel KAH-neh)

  • Cat
  • Il gatto
  • (eel GAHT-toh)

  • Horse
  • Il cavallo
  • (eel kah-VAHL-lo)

  • Cow
  • La mucca
  • (lah MOOK-kah)

  • Pig
  • Il maiale
  • (eel mah-YAH-leh)

  • Sheep
  • La pecora
  • (lah peh-KOH-rah)

  • Rabbit
  • Il coniglio
  • (eel koh-NEE-lyoh)

  • Fish
  • Il pesce
  • (eel PEH-sheh)

  • Bird
  • L’uccello (m)
  • (loot-CHEL-loh)

  • Snake
  • Il serpente
  • (eel sehr-PEHN-teh)

  • Turtle
  • La tartaruga
  • (lah tar-tah-ROO-gah)

  • Squirrel
  • Lo scoiattolo
  • (loh skoy-AHT-toh-lo)

  • Frog
  • La rana
  • (lah RAH-nah)

  • Mouse
  • Il topo
  • (eel TOH-poh)

  • Elephant
  • L’elefante (m)
  • (le-leh-FAHN-teh)

Learn related vocabulary

In this section, you will expand your animal-related vocabulary. This will enable you to communicate and comprehend information about the animal kingdom effectively. The words are categorized into three groups: domestic animals, wild animals, and insects.

Domestic animals:

  • Parrot
  • Il pappagallo
  • (eel pah-pah-GAHL-loh)

  • Hamster
  • Il criceto
  • (eel cree-CHEH-toh)

  • Goat
  • La capra
  • (lah KAH-prah)

  • Donkey
  • L’asino (m)
  • (lah-ZEE-noh)

  • Hen
  • La gallina
  • (lah gah-LEE-nah)

Wild animals:

  • Tiger
  • La tigre
  • (lah TEE-greh)

  • Lion
  • Il leone
  • (eel leh-OH-neh)

  • Wolf
  • Il lupo
  • (eel LOO-poh)

  • Monkey
  • La scimmia
  • (lah SHEEM-myah)

  • Crocodile
  • Il coccodrillo
  • (eel koh-koh-DRIL-loh)


  • Ant
  • La formica
  • (lah for-MEE-kah)

  • Bee
  • L’ape (f)
  • (LAH-peh)

  • Butterfly
  • La farfalla
  • (lah far-FAHL-lah)

  • Ladybug
  • La coccinella
  • (lah koh-chee-NEL-lah)

  • Spider
  • Il ragno
  • (eel RAHN-yoh)

Expanding your language skills can be a fun and engaging experience by learning Italian vocabulary related to animals. Follow the steps in this guide to familiarize yourself with these words and discover related terms to expand your vocabulary.

Tap on the button below to access a complete list of animal vocabulary in Italian.

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