
Weather Vocabulary in Italian

Whether you’re planning a trip to Italy or just want to enhance your language skills, knowing how to discuss the weather in Italian is a useful skill. This step-by-step class will help you learn basic Italian weather vocabulary.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning these common Italian words related to weather:

  • Weather
  • Il tempo
  • (eel TEM-poh)
  • Sun
  • Il sole
  • (eel SOH-leh)
  • Rain
  • La pioggia
  • (lah pyoh-JAH)
  • Snow
  • La neve
  • (lah NEH-veh)
  • Wind
  • Il vento
  • (eel VEN-toh)
  • Clouds
  • Le nuvole
  • (leh NOO-voh-leh)
  • Storm
  • La tempesta
  • (lah tem-PEHS-tah)
  • Heat
  • Il caldo
  • (eel KAL-doh)
  • Cold
  • Il freddo
  • (eel FREHD-doh)
  • Humidity
  • L’umidità
  • (loom-ee-DEE-tah)
  • Fog
  • La nebbia
  • (lah NEBB-ee-ah)
  • Frost
  • Il gelo
  • (eel JEH-loh)
  • Rainbow
  • L’arcobaleno
  • (lark-oh-bah-LEH-noh)
  • Lightning
  • Il fulmine
  • (eel FOOL-mee-neh)
  • Thunder
  • Il tuono
  • (eel TOO-oh-noh)

Learn related vocabulary

Here, we delve deeper into the topic with more specific vocabulary. We’ll cover terms for seasons, weather conditions, and weather-related phrases.


  • Spring
  • La primavera
  • (lah pree-mah-VEH-rah)
  • Summer
  • L’estate
  • (leh-STAH-teh)
  • Autumn
  • L’autunno
  • (lout-OON-noh)
  • Winter
  • L’inverno
  • (leen-VEHR-noh)

Weather conditions:

  • Clear
  • Sereno
  • (seh-REH-noh)
  • Cloudy
  • Nuvoloso
  • (noo-voh-LOH-soh)
  • Rainy
  • Piovoso
  • (pyoh-VOH-soh)
  • Snowy
  • Nevoso
  • (neh-VOH-soh)
  • Windy
  • Ventoso
  • (ven-TOH-soh)

Weather-related phrases:

  • What’s the weather like?
  • Che tempo fa?
  • (keh TEM-poh fah)
  • It’s hot
  • Fa caldo
  • (fah KAL-doh)
  • It’s cold
  • Fa freddo
  • (fah FREHD-doh)
  • It’s raining
  • Sta piovendo
  • (stah pyoh-VEN-doh)
  • It’s snowing
  • Sta nevicando
  • (stah neh-vee-KAN-doh)

Understanding the Italian vocabulary for weather will help you plan your day, discuss the climate, or simply make small talk. Use this guide as your starting point and continue to expand your vocabulary with practice. With time, you’ll be able to discuss the weather in Italian with confidence. Buon apprendimento! (Happy learning!)

To access a comprehensive list of Climate and Weather vocabulary in Italian with audio, tap the button below.

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