
Money and Finance in Italian

Understanding the vocabulary related to money and finance is essential when visiting or living in Italy. From shopping to banking, this class will help you learn the Italian words and phrases you need.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning these common Italian words related to money and finance:

  • Money
  • Il denaro
  • (eel deh-NAH-ro)
  • Coin
  • La moneta
  • (lah mo-NEH-tah)
  • Bank
  • La banca
  • (lah BAHN-kah)
  • Account
  • Il conto
  • (eel CON-to)
  • Price
  • Il prezzo
  • (eel PRET-tso)
  • Credit card
  • La carta di credito
  • (lah KAR-tah dee KREH-dee-to)
  • ATM
  • Il bancomat
  • (eel BAHN-ko-mat)
  • Exchange rate
  • Il cambio
  • (eel CAM-bio)
  • Bill, invoice
  • La fattura
  • (lah fa-TU-ra)
  • Wallet
  • Il portafoglio
  • (eel por-ta-FO-lyoh)
  • Savings
  • Il risparmio
  • (eel ree-SPAR-mio)
  • Debt
  • Il debito
  • (eel DEH-bee-to)
  • Investment
  • L’investimento
  • (lee-nve-STEE-men-to)
  • Tax
  • L’imposta
  • (lee-MPOS-ta)
  • Salary
  • Lo stipendio
  • (loh stee-PEN-dee-o)

Learn related vocabulary

Now let’s delve deeper into the topic with more specific vocabulary. We’ll cover terms for banking transactions, financial institutions, and money-related phrases.

Banking Transactions:

  • To withdraw
  • Prelevare
  • (preh-le-VAH-reh)
  • To deposit
  • Depositare
  • (deh-po-see-TAH-reh)
  • To transfer
  • Trasferire
  • (tras-feh-REE-reh)
  • To pay
  • Pagare
  • (pah-GAH-reh)
  • To save
  • Risparmiare
  • (rees-par-MEE-ah-reh)

Financial Institutions:

  • Central bank
  • La banca centrale
  • (lah BAHN-kah chen-TRAH-leh)
  • Stock exchange
  • La borsa
  • (lah BOR-sah)
  • Currency exchange
  • L’agenzia di cambio
  • (lah-jen-TSEE-ah dee CAM-bio)
  • Investment company
  • La società di investimento
  • (lah so-chay-TAH dee in-ves-tee-MEN-to)
  • Insurance company
  • La compagnia di assicurazione
  • (lah com-pan-YEE-ah dee ah-see-coo-rah-TSYOH-neh)

Money-related phrases:

  • I don’t have enough money
  • Non ho abbastanza soldi
  • (non oh ab-ba-STAN-za SOL-dee)
  • Can I pay with a card?
  • Posso pagare con la carta?
  • (POS-so pa-GAH-re con lah KAR-tah?)
  • Where can I find an ATM?
  • Dove posso trovare un bancomat?
  • (DO-ve POS-so tro-VA-re oon ban-co-MAT?)
  • How much does it cost?
  • Quanto costa?
  • (KWAN-to COS-ta?)
  • I lost my wallet
  • Ho perso il mio portafoglio
  • (oh PEHR-so eel MEE-o por-ta-FO-lyo)

Understanding money and finance vocabulary in Italian will make your financial transactions smoother and help you navigate economic discussions. Use this guide as a starting point and continue to practice and expand your vocabulary. Soon, you’ll be able to manage your money matters in Italian with confidence. Buon apprendimento! (Happy learning!)

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