
Outdoor Activities in Italian

Whether you’re planning a trip to Italy or just looking to expand your language skills, knowing the Italian vocabulary for outdoor activities can be both fun and practical. This class will help you get started.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning these common Italian words related to outdoor activities:

  • Camping
  • Il campeggio
  • (eel kam-PEJ-jo)
  • Fishing
  • La pesca
  • (lah PES-ka)
  • Hiking
  • L’escursionismo
  • (les-kur-syo-NEEZ-mo)
  • Swim
  • La nuotata
  • (lah nwo-TAH-tah)
  • Bicycle
  • La bicicletta
  • (lah bee-chee-klet-tah)
  • Picnic
  • Il picnic
  • (eel PIK-nik)
  • Sailing boat
  • La barca a vela
  • (lah BAR-ka VE-la)
  • Gardening
  • Il giardinaggio
  • (eel jar-di-NAH-jo)
  • Soccer
  • Il calcio
  • (eel KAL-cho)
  • Volleyball
  • La pallavolo
  • (lah pal-la-VO-lo)
  • Running / Race
  • La corsa
  • (lah KOR-sa)
  • Climbing
  • L’arrampicata
  • (lar-ram-pi-KAH-ta)
  • Photography
  • La fotografia
  • (lah foto-GRA-fia)
  • Birdwatching
  • Il birdwatching
  • (eel BEERD-watching)
  • Barbecue
  • Il barbecue
  • (eel bar-be-CUE)

Learn related vocabulary

Now, let’s delve deeper into the topic with more specific vocabulary. We’ll cover equipment needed for these activities, places where these activities usually take place, and some phrases associated with outdoor activities.

Outdoor Equipment:

  • Tent
  • La tenda
  • (lah TEN-da)
  • Fishing rod
  • La canna da pesca
  • (lah KAN-na da PES-ka)
  • Hiking boots
  • Gli scarponi da trekking
  • (ee skar-POH-nee da TREK-king)
  • Swimsuit
  • Il costume da bagno
  • (eel kos-TU-me da BAH-nyo)
  • Jump
  • Il salto
  • (eel SAHL-toh)

Places for Outdoor Activities:

  • Park
  • Il parco
  • (eel PAR-ko)
  • Beach
  • La spiaggia
  • (lah SPYA-ja)
  • Trail
  • Il sentiero
  • (eel sen-TYEH-ro)
  • Lake
  • Il lago
  • (eel LA-go)
  • Mountain
  • La montagna
  • (lah mon-TAH-nya)

Outdoor Activity-related Phrases:

  • Shall we go for a picnic?
  • Andiamo a fare un picnic?
  • (an-DEE-ah-mo a FAH-re un PIK-nik?)
  • I like camping
  • Mi piace fare campeggio
  • (mee PYAH-cheh FAH-reh kahm-PEH-joh)
  • Where is the nearest beach?
  • Dov’è la spiaggia più vicina?
  • (doh-VEH lah SPYA-jah pyu vee-CHEE-nah?)
  • I prefer cycling
  • Preferisco andare in bicicletta
  • (preh-feh-REE-sko an-DAH-reh een bee-chee-KLEH-tah)
  • I forgot my fishing rod
  • Ho dimenticato la mia canna da pesca
  • (oh dee-men-TEE-kah-toh lah MEE-ah KAN-nah dah PEHS-kah)

With these Italian words and phrases in your vocabulary, you’re ready to enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to use these new words as much as possible. Buon divertimento! (Have fun!)

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