
Colors in German

Knowing the names of colors in German can significantly enhance your vocabulary and communication skills. This class will give you key German vocabulary related to colors, an essential part of everyday life and conversation.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

To begin, familiarize yourself with these frequently used German words that describe colors:

  • Red
  • Das Rot
  • Green
  • Das Grün
  • Blue
  • Das Blau
  • Yellow
  • Das Gelb
  • White
  • Das Weiß
  • Black
  • Das Schwarz
  • Gray
  • Das Grau
  • Orange
  • Das Orange
  • Pink
  • Das Rosa
  • Purple
  • Das Lila
  • Brown
  • Das Braun
  • Turquoise
  • Das Türkis
  • Gold
  • Das Gold
  • Silver
  • Das Silber
  • Beige
  • Das Beige

Learn related vocabulary

Improve your knowledge of colors by learning words related to different shades, combinations, and descriptions of colors.

Color Shades:

  • Dark red
  • Das Dunkelrot
  • Light green
  • Das Hellgrün
  • Navy blue
  • Das Marineblau
  • Pastel yellow
  • Das Pastellgelb
  • Ivory
  • Das Elfenbein

Color Combinations:

  • Colorful
  • Bunt
  • Two-toned
  • Zweifarbig
  • Multicolored
  • Mehrfarbig
  • Solid color
  • Einfarbig
  • Gradient / Color gradient
  • Farbverlauf

Color Descriptions:

  • Bright
  • Leuchtend
  • Matte
  • Matt
  • Shiny
  • Glänzend
  • Vibrant /Strong
  • Kräftig
  • Pale
  • Blass


Learning these German color vocabulary words is another step towards mastering the language. Practice using these words in sentences and conversations. Remember, repetition is key when it comes to language learning. Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

Tap the button below to get a complete list of German color vocabulary with audio.

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