
Shapes Vocabulary in German

Learning the vocabulary related to shapes can help develop language skills, from simple descriptions to more complicated structures. Our class will focus on introducing essential German words for shapes.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning these common German words related to shapes:

  • Shape
  • Die Form
  • Circle
  • Der Kreis
  • Square
  • Das Quadrat
  • Rectangle
  • Das Rechteck
  • Triangle
  • Das Dreieck
  • Cylinder
  • Der Zylinder
  • Sphere
  • Die Kugel
  • Oval
  • Das Oval
  • Line
  • Die Linie
  • Curve
  • Die Kurve
  • Angle
  • Der Winkel
  • Polygon
  • Das Polygon
  • Parallelogram
  • Das Parallelogramm
  • Ellipse
  • Die Ellipse
  • Cube
  • Der Würfel

Learn related vocabulary

Let’s enhance your vocabulary by learning words related to dimensions, geometry, and patterns.


  • Length
  • Die Länge
  • Width
  • Die Breite
  • Height
  • Die Höhe
  • Diameter
  • Der Durchmesser
  • Radius
  • Der Radius


  • Geometry
  • Die Geometrie
  • Surface
  • Die Fläche
  • Volume
  • Das Volumen
  • Point
  • Der Punkt
  • Axis
  • Die Achse


  • Pattern
  • Das Muster
  • Symmetry
  • Die Symmetrie
  • Repetition
  • Die Wiederholung
  • Grid
  • Das Gitter
  • Spiral
  • Die Spirale

By learning these German vocabulary words related to shapes, you’re adding an important set of descriptors to your language toolbox. Practice using these words in sentences and in context to reinforce your learning. Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

Click the button below to access a complete list of shape vocabulary in German, complete with audio.

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