
School Vocabulary in German

To effectively communicate about education in German, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of the appropriate vocabulary. This class will teach you some of the most commonly used German words relating to school.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning these common German words related to school:

  • School
  • Die Schule
  • Teacher (m/f)
  • Der Lehrer / Die Lehrerin
  • Student (m/f)
  • Der Schüler / Die Schülerin
  • Class
  • Die Klasse
  • Classroom
  • Das Klassenzimmer
  • Homework
  • Die Hausaufgaben
  • Schedule / Timetable
  • Der Stundenplan
  • Subject
  • Das Fach
  • Exam
  • Die Prüfung
  • Book
  • Das Buch
  • Pen
  • Der Stift
  • Notebook
  • Das Heft
  • Blackboard
  • Die Tafel
  • Break
  • Die Pause
  • Schoolyard
  • Der Schulhof

Learn related vocabulary

Let’s enhance your vocabulary by introducing you to words related to school subjects, school supplies, and school staff.

School Subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • Die Mathematik
  • Biology
  • Die Biologie
  • Chemistry
  • Die Chemie
  • Physics
  • Die Physik
  • History
  • Die Geschichte

School Supplies:

  • Pencil
  • Der Bleistift
  • Eraser
  • Der Radiergummi
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Der Spitzer
  • Backpack
  • Der Rucksack
  • Ruler
  • Das Lineal

School Personnel:

  • Principal (m/f)
  • Der Direktor / Die Direktorin
  • Janitor (m/f)
  • Der Hausmeister / Die Hausmeisterin
  • School counselor (m/f)
  • Der Schulberater / Die Schulberaterin
  • School psychologist (m/f)
  • Der Schulpsychologe / Die Schulpsychologin
  • School nurse (f/m)
  • Die Schulkrankenschwester / Der Schulkrankenpfleger

By learning these German vocabulary words related to school, you’re adding a crucial set of terms to your language skills. Practice using these words in sentences and in context to reinforce your learning. Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

Click on the button below to access a complete list of German school-related vocabulary with audio.

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