
Outdoor Activities in German

Whether it’s for travel or just a casual conversation, understanding the German vocabulary related to outdoor activities can be very useful. This guide will help you get familiar with common German words associated with outdoor activities.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning these basic German words related to outdoor activities:

  • Hiking
  • Die Wanderung
  • Camping
  • Das Zelten
  • Picnic
  • Das Picknick
  • Park
  • Der Park
  • Cycling tour
  • Die Radtour
  • Swimming
  • Das Schwimmen
  • Playground
  • Der Spielplatz
  • Garden
  • Der Garten
  • Fishing
  • Das Angeln
  • Beach
  • Der Strand
  • Mountain
  • Der Berg
  • Forest
  • Der Wald
  • Lake
  • Der See
  • River
  • Der Fluss
  • Sunset
  • Der Sonnenuntergang

Learn related vocabulary

Let’s expand your German vocabulary for outdoor activities with specific terms related to hiking, camping, nature elements, and water activities. This will help you engage in these activities confidently.

Hiking and Camping Terms:

  • Hiking trail
  • Der Wanderweg
  • Backpack
  • Der Rucksack
  • Sleeping bag
  • Der Schlafsack
  • Tent
  • Das Zelt
  • Map
  • Die Karte

Nature Elements:

  • Flower
  • Die Blume
  • Tree
  • Der Baum
  • Grass
  • Das Gras
  • Sky
  • Der Himmel
  • Rainbow
  • Der Regenbogen

Water Activities:

  • Sailing
  • Das Segeln
  • Diving
  • Das Tauchen
  • Boat
  • Das Boot
  • Wave
  • Die Welle
  • Lighthouse
  • Der Leuchtturm


With these words related to outdoor activities, you’re now better prepared to describe your adventures in German. Practice using these words in sentences and everyday situations to better memorize them. Happy learning!

To access a comprehensive list of outdoor activities vocabulary in German with audio, tap the button below.

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