
Body Parts in Arabic

Understanding the names of body parts is an integral part of learning a new language. Knowing how to refer to different parts of the body can be useful in various contexts, such as explaining physical conditions, doing exercises, or describing someone’s appearance. Let’s dive into the world of body parts in Arabic.

Learn Basic Body Parts Vocabulary

Let’s kick off with these commonly mentioned body parts:

  • Head
  • الرأس
  • (ar-ras)
  • Eye
  • العين
  • (al-ayn)
  • Ear
  • الأذن
  • (al-udhun)
  • Nose
  • الأنف
  • (al-anf)
  • Mouth
  • الفم
  • (al-fam)
  • Hand
  • اليد
  • (al-yad)
  • Leg
  • الرجل
  • (ar-rijl)
  • Foot
  • القدم
  • (al-qadam)
  • Arm
  • الذراع
  • (ad-dhira’)
  • Chest
  • الصدر
  • (as-sadr)
  • Stomach
  • البطن
  • (al-batn)
  • Back
  • الظهر
  • (az-zahr)
  • Heart
  • القلب
  • (al-qalb)
  • Shoulder
  • الكتف
  • (al-katef)
  • Knee
  • الركبة
  • (ar-rakba)

Learn Related Vocabulary

To further expand your vocabulary on body parts, let’s delve into three specific categories:

Parts of the Face:

  • Forehead
  • الجبهة
  • (al-jabha)
  • Cheek
  • الخد
  • (al-khad)
  • Lip
  • الشفة
  • (ash-shafa)
  • Tongue
  • اللسان
  • (al-lisan)
  • Eyebrow
  • الحاجب
  • (al-hajib)

Internal Organs:

  • Liver
  • الكبد
  • (al-kabid)
  • Lung
  • الرئة
  • (ar-ri’a)
  • Stomach (internal)
  • المعدة
  • (al-ma’ida)
  • Kidney
  • الكلى
  • (al-kilya)
  • Brain
  • الدماغ
  • (ad-dimagh)

Limbs and Extremities:

  • Finger
  • الأصبع
  • (al-usbu’)
  • Thumb
  • الإبهام
  • (al-ibham’)
  • Calf
  • الساق
  • (as-saq)
  • Ankle
  • الكاحل
  • (al-kaheel)
  • Elbow
  • الكوع
  • (al-koo’)

By learning these Arabic words, you will be well equipped to discuss body parts in a variety of contexts. Don’t forget to practice regularly to reinforce this new vocabulary. Try using them in sentences and listen for them when you engage with Arabic speakers or media. Happy learning!

To access a comprehensive list of body parts in Arabic with audio, tap the button below.

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