
Colors in Arabic

Learning the Arabic names for colors can greatly improve your ability to communicate and express yourself. You’ll gain valuable vocabulary that’s relevant to everyday conversations and interactions. This class is a fantastic opportunity to expand your language skills and become more confident in your ability to converse in Arabic.

Learn Basic Color Vocabulary

We begin by introducing of the most common colors in Arabic:

  • Black
  • أسود
  • (Aswad)
  • White
  • أبيض
  • (Abiyad)
  • Red
  • أحمر
  • (Ahmar)
  • Green
  • أخضر
  • (Akhdar)
  • Blue
  • أزرق
  • (Azraq)
  • Yellow
  • أصفر
  • (Asfar)
  • Purple
  • بنفسجي
  • (Banafsaji)
  • Orange
  • برتقالي
  • (Burtuqali)
  • Pink
  • وردي
  • (Wardi)
  • Grey
  • رمادي
  • (Ramadi)
  • Brown
  • بني
  • (Buni)
  • Gold
  • ذهبي
  • (Dhahabi)
  • Silver
  • فضي
  • (Fiddi)
  • Sky blue
  • سماوي
  • (Samawi)
  • Mustard
  • خردلي
  • (Khurdali)

Learn related vocabulary

Let’s enhance your color vocabulary by learning some related terms. This will enable you to describe colors more precisely and thereby enrich your conversation.

Describing Light and Dark Colors:

  • Light
  • فاتح
  • (Fateh)
  • Dark
  • غامق
  • (Ghāmiq)
  • Pastel
  • لون فاتح
  • (Lawn Fateh)
  • Deep color
  • لون غامق
  • (Lawn Ghāmiq)
  • Bright color
  • لون زاهي
  • (Lawn Zahi)

Describing Patterns and Prints:

  • Striped
  • مخطط
  • (Mukhattat)
  • Spotted
  • مرقط
  • (Marqut)
  • Floral
  • مزهر (Muzahir)
  • Dotted
  • نقاط (Nuqat)
  • Gradient
  • تدرج اللون
  • (Tadarrug al-lawn)

Describing an Object’s Color:

  • Colored
  • ملون
  • (Mulawwan)
  • Solid color
  • لون موحد
  • (Lawn muwahhad)
  • Colorless
  • بلا لون
  • (Bila lawn)
  • Dual colored
  • لون مزدوج
  • (lawn muzdawaj)
  • Color changing
  • تغيير اللون
  • (Taghyeer al-lawn)

Mastering a language requires taking every step, including learning its vocabulary words. Keep practicing using these Arabic color words in sentences and conversations, and remember that repetition is vital to your success. Good luck!

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