
Directions Vocabulary in Arabic

In every language, knowing how to ask for and understand directions is a critical skill. It enables you to navigate new environments and makes travel much easier. This class will help you understand basic Arabic vocabulary for giving and understanding directions.

Learn Basic Directions Vocabulary

We’ll begin by familiarizing ourselves with basic direction terms:

  • North
  • الشمال
  • (ash-shamal)
  • South
  • الجنوب
  • (al-janoub)
  • East
  • الشرق
  • (ash-sharq)
  • West
  • الغرب
  • (al-gharb)
  • Right
  • اليمين
  • (al-yameen)
  • Left
  • اليسار
  • (al-yasar)
  • Straight
  • مستقيم
  • (mustaqeem)
  • Behind
  • خلف
  • (khalf)
  • In front of
  • أمام
  • (amaam)
  • Beside
  • بجانب
  • (bijanib)
  • Inside
  • في الداخل
  • (fi ad-dakhil)
  • Outside
  • في الخارج
  • (fi al-kharij)
  • Near
  • بالقرب من
  • (bilqurb min)
  • Far from
  • بعيد عن
  • (ba’eed ‘an)
  • Here
  • هنا
  • (huna)

Learn Related Vocabulary

Now, let’s delve deeper into directions-related vocabulary by exploring these three specific categories:

Transportation Terms:

  • Car
  • السيارة
  • (as-sayyara)
  • Bus
  • الحافلة
  • (al-haafilah)
  • Train
  • القطار
  • (al-qitaar)
  • Plane
  • الطائرة
  • (at-ta’irah)
  • Bicycle
  • الدراجة
  • (ad-darajah)

Location Terms:

  • City
  • المدينة
  • (al-madinah)
  • Village
  • القرية
  • (al-qaryah)
  • Street
  • الشارع
  • (ash-share’)
  • Road
  • الطريق
  • (at-tariq)
  • Place
  • المكان
  • (al-makan)

Asking for Directions:

  • Where?
  • أين؟
  • (‘ayn?)
  • Right
  • يمين
  • (yameen)
  • Left
  • يسار
  • (yasar)
  • Straight
  • مستقيم
  • (mustaqeem)
  • Map
  • خريطة
  • (khareeta)
  • Where is…?
  • أين…؟
  • (‘ayn…?)
  • How do I get to…?
  • كيف أصل إلى…؟
  • (kayfa asil ila…?)
  • Is this the way to…?
  • هل هذا الطريق إلى…؟
  • (hal hadha at-tariq ila…?)

By learning and practicing these words, you will be able to navigate your way around Arabic-speaking regions with greater confidence. Remember, practice makes perfect!

To access a comprehensive list of directions vocabulary in Arabic with audio, tap the button below.

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