
Shapes Vocabulary in Arabic

Recognizing and describing shapes are fundamental skills in many aspects of life and learning. Whether you are in an art class or navigating your way around, knowing the vocabulary of shapes in a foreign language can be very useful. In this guide, we will introduce some basic and more detailed vocabulary about shapes in Arabic. Let’s explore!

Learn Basic Shapes Vocabulary

Start off your shape learning journey with these common shapes:

  • Circle
  • دائرة
  • (da’ira)
  • Square
  • مربع
  • (murabba’)
  • Rectangle
  • مستطيل
  • (mustatil)
  • Triangle
  • مثلث
  • (muthallath)
  • Pentagon
  • خماسي
  • (khamasi)
  • Hexagon
  • سداسي
  • (sudasi)
  • Pyramid
  • هرم
  • (haram)
  • Star
  • نجمة
  • (najma)
  • Oval
  • بيضاوي
  • (baydawi)
  • Heart
  • قلب
  • (qalb)
  • Diamond
  • ماسة
  • (masa)
  • Rhombus
  • معين
  • (mu’ayyin)
  • Octagon
  • ثماني
  • (thamani)
  • Sphere
  • كروي
  • (kurwi)
  • Cube
  • مكعب
  • (muka’ab)

Learn related vocabulary

To complement your understanding of shapes, let’s delve deeper into related vocabulary:

Descriptive Adjectives for Shapes:

  • Round
  • مستدير
  • (mustadeer)
  • Square-shaped
  • مربع
  • (murabba’)
  • Rectangular
  • مستطيل
  • (mustatil)
  • Triangular
  • ثلاثي الأضلاع
  • (thalathi al-adlae’)
  • Flat
  • مسطح
  • (musattah)

Art and Design Related Vocabulary:

  • Design
  • تصميم
  • (tasmeem)
  • Drawing
  • رسم
  • (rasam)
  • Geometry
  • هندسة
  • (handasa)
  • Art
  • فن
  • (fann)
  • Dimensions
  • أبعاد
  • (ab’ad)

Mathematical Vocabulary:

  • Angle
  • زاوية
  • (zawia)
  • Point
  • نقطة
  • (nuqta)
  • Line
  • خط
  • (khatt)
  • Surface
  • سطح
  • (sath)
  • Volume
  • حجم
  • (hajm)

Remember, it is essential to use the new vocabulary frequently for it to settle in your long-term memory. Try to relate these words with objects around you or in pictures. This will make your learning process more engaging and effective.

Click the button below to access a complete list of shape vocabulary in Arabic, complete with audio.

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