
Body Parts in French

A solid grasp of body part vocabulary in French is essential for discussing health, fitness, and well-being in French-speaking environments. This class will provide a comprehensive guide to assist you in learning the necessary French vocabulary related to body parts.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common French words related to body parts. This list will help you get started:

  • Head
  • La tête
  • (la tet)

  • Face
  • Le visage
  • (luh vee-ZAZH)

  • Eyes
  • Les yeux (m)
  • (layz yuh)

  • Nose
  • Le nez
  • (luh nay)

  • Mouth
  • La bouche
  • (la boosh)

  • Ears
  • Les oreilles (f)
  • (layz oh-RAY)

  • Neck
  • Le cou
  • (luh koo)

  • Shoulders
  • Les épaules (f)
  • (layz ay-POLE)

  • Arm
  • Le bras
  • (luh brah)

  • Hand
  • La main
  • (lah mahn)

  • Fingers
  • Les doigts (m)
  • (lay dwah)

  • Stomach / Belly
  • Le ventre
  • (luh vahntr)

  • Leg
  • La jambe
  • (la ZHAHMB)

  • Foot
  • Le pied
  • (luh pyay)

  • Back
  • Le dos
  • (luh doh)

Learn related vocabulary

In this next stage, you will learn more about body parts vocabulary. This will enable you to communicate more efficiently about the human body. The vocabulary is split into three groups: upper body, lower body, and other helpful terms.

Upper body:

  • Hair
  • Les cheveux (m)
  • (lay shuh-VUH)

  • Forehead
  • Le front
  • (luh fron)

  • Cheek
  • La joue
  • (la zhoo)

  • Chin
  • Le menton
  • (luh mahn-TAWN)

  • Chest
  • La poitrine
  • (la pwah-TREEN)

Lower body:

  • Hips
  • Les hanches (f)
  • (layz ahnsh)

  • Knee
  • Le genou
  • (luh zhuh-NOO)

  • Ankle
  • La cheville
  • (la shuh-VEEY)

  • Heel
  • Le talon
  • (luh ta-LAWN)

  • Toes
  • Les orteils (m)
  • (layz or-TAY)

Other useful terms:

  • Skin
  • La peau
  • (la po)

  • Muscle
  • Le muscle
  • (luh MOO-skuhl)

  • Skeleton
  • Le squelette
  • (luh skuh-LET)

  • Bones
  • Les os (m)
  • (layz ohss)

  • Joint
  • L’articulation (f)
  • (lar-tee-kew-lah-SYAWN)

To communicate effectively about health, fitness, and overall well-being in French-speaking settings, learning French vocabulary related to body parts is essential. This guide provided step-by-step instructions to help you become familiar with these words and expand your vocabulary with related terms. You’ll gain confidence in describing and discussing the human body and associated topics in French with practice.

Tap the button below to access a comprehensive French body parts vocabulary list with audio.

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