
Colors in French

To enhance your language skills, learning vocabulary related to colors in French is essential. This knowledge will allow you to describe objects and clothing with greater detail and express your preferences. Our class offers a step-by-step guide to help you learn essential French color vocabulary.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common French words for colors. This list will help you get started:

  • Colors
  • Les couleurs (f)
  • (lay kool-UR)

  • White
  • Le blanc
  • (luh blahnk)

  • Black
  • Le noir
  • (luh nwahr)

  • Gray
  • Le gris
  • (luh gree)

  • Blue
  • Le bleu
  • (luh bluh)

  • Green
  • Le vert
  • (luh vair)

  • Yellow
  • Le jaune
  • (luh zhohn)

  • Orange
  • L’orange (m/f)
  • (lor-AHNZH)

  • Red
  • Le rouge
  • (luh roozh)

  • Pink
  • Le rose
  • (luh rohz)

  • Purple
  • Le violet
  • (luh vee-oh-LAY)

  • Brown
  • Le marron
  • (luh mah-RAWN)

Learn related vocabulary

Improve your ability to talk about colors in French by learning about color shades and other related terms. This will make your conversations more exciting and allow you to express your preferences more effectively.

Color shades:

  • Light blue
  • Le bleu clair
  • (luh bluh kler)

  • Dark blue
  • Le bleu foncé
  • (luh bluh fawn-SAY)

  • Emerald green
  • Le vert émeraude
  • (luh vair ay-may-ROHD)

  • Burgundy red
  • Le rouge bordeaux
  • (luh roozh bor-DOH)

  • Pale yellow
  • Le jaune pâle
  • (luh zhohn pal)

Other related terms:

  • Favorite color
  • La couleur préférée
  • (lah kool-UR pray-fay-RAY)

  • Shade
  • La nuance
  • (lah new-AHNS)

  • Colorful
  • Coloré
  • (kol-oh-RAY)

  • Palette
  • La palette
  • (lah pah-LET)

  • Rainbow
  • L’arc-en-ciel (m)
  • (lark-ohn-see-YEL)

To become fluent in French, learning vocabulary related to colors is crucial. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to familiarize yourself with these words, practice them in context, and expand your vocabulary with related terms. To access a complete list of French color vocabulary with audio, tap the button below.

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