
Directions Vocabulary in French

Learning French vocabulary for directions to navigate streets, seek assistance, and move around in French-speaking places is crucial. This class offers a step-by-step guide to help you learn vital French vocabulary for directions.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common French words related to directions. This list will help you get started:

  • Direction
  • La direction
  • (la dee-rek-SYAWN)

  • North
  • Le nord
  • (luh nor)

  • South
  • Le sud
  • (luh süd)

  • East
  • L’est (m)
  • (lest)

  • West
  • L’ouest (m)
  • (loo-west)

  • Left
  • La gauche
  • (la gohsh)

  • Right
  • La droite
  • (la drwaht)

  • Straight ahead
  • Tout droit
  • (too drwah)

  • Map
  • Le plan
  • (luh plahn)

  • Corner
  • Le coin
  • (luh kwahn)

  • Intersection
  • L’intersection (f)
  • (lahn-tehr-sek-SYAWN)

  • Street
  • La rue
  • (la roo)

  • Avenue
  • L’avenue (f)
  • (lah-veh-NOO)

  • Boulevard
  • Le boulevard
  • (luh boo-luh-VAR)

  • Square / Plaza
  • La place
  • (la plas)

Learn related vocabulary

In this next section, you’ll expand your vocabulary related to directions. This will allow you to communicate more effectively and understand navigation and locations better. The words are grouped into three categories: transportation, buildings and places, and other valuable terms.


  • Bus
  • Le bus
  • (luh bews)

  • Subway / Metro
  • Le métro
  • (luh may-troh)

  • Tram
  • Le tramway
  • (luh trahm-way)

  • Train station
  • La gare
  • (la gahr)

  • Bus stop
  • L’arrêt de bus (m)
  • (lah-ray duh bews)

Buildings and places:

  • Hotel
  • L’hôtel (m)
  • (loh-tel)

  • Restaurant
  • Le restaurant
  • (luh res-toh-RAHNG)

  • Store / Shop
  • Le magasin
  • (luh ma-ga-ZAN)

  • Pharmacy
  • La pharmacie
  • (la far-ma-SEE)

  • Hospital
  • L’hôpital (m)
  • (loh-pee-TAL)

Other useful terms:

  • Distance
  • La distance
  • (la dees-TAHNS)

  • Address
  • L’adresse (f)
  • (lah-dres)

  • Path / Way
  • Le chemin
  • (luh shuh-MAH)

  • Roundabout
  • Le rond-point
  • (luh rohn-PWAN)

  • Sign
  • Le panneau
  • (luh pa-noh)

Learning French vocabulary related to directions is essential to navigating streets, finding your way around, and asking for help in French-speaking environments. You can use the steps above to become familiar with these words and expand your vocabulary with related terms.

Tap the button below to access a complete list of French directions vocabulary with audio.

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