
Fruits and Vegetables in French

Knowing French vocabulary related to fruits and vegetables is crucial for various activities such as shopping, cooking, and understanding French culinary culture. This class presents a step-by-step guide to help you learn the essential French vocabulary related to fruits and vegetables.

Familiarize yourself with common fruits

Start by learning the most common French words related to fruits:

  • Fruit
  • Le fruit
  • (luh FRWEE)

  • Apple
  • La pomme
  • (la pom)

  • Banana
  • La banane
  • (la ba-NAHN)

  • Orange
  • L’orange (f)
  • (loh-RAHNZH)

  • Strawberry
  • La fraise
  • (la FREZ)

  • Grape
  • Le raisin
  • (luh ray-ZAN)

  • Pear
  • La poire
  • (la PWAR)

  • Cherry
  • La cerise
  • (la suh-REEZ)

  • Melon
  • Le melon
  • (luh meh-LAWN)

  • Watermelon
  • La pastèque
  • (la pas-TEK)

  • Apricot
  • L’abricot (m)
  • (la-bree-KO)

  • Peach
  • La pêche
  • (la pesh)

  • Lemon
  • Le citron
  • (luh see-TRAWN)

  • Kiwi
  • Le kiwi
  • (luh KEE-wee)

  • Pineapple
  • L’ananas (m)
  • (la-na-NAHS)

Familiarize yourself with common vegetables

  • Vegetable
  • Le légume
  • (luh lay-GOOM)

  • Carrot
  • La carotte
  • (la ka-ROT)

  • Potato
  • La pomme de terre
  • (la pom duh TEHR)

  • Bell pepper
  • Le poivron
  • (luh pwah-VRON)

  • Tomato
  • La tomate
  • (la toh-MAHT)

  • Cabbage
  • Le chou
  • (luh shoo)

  • Cucumber
  • Le concombre
  • (luh kohn-KOHM-bruh)

  • Onion
  • L’oignon (m)
  • (lwah-NYAWNG)

  • Zucchini
  • La courgette
  • (la koor-ZHET)

  • Broccoli
  • Le brocoli
  • (luh bro-KO-lee)

  • Spinach
  • L’épinard (m)
  • (lay-pee-NAR)

  • Lettuce
  • La laitue
  • (la lay-TYOO)

  • Corn
  • Le maïs
  • (luh mah-EES)

  • Green bean
  • Le haricot vert
  • (luh ah-ree-KO vair)

  • Artichoke
  • L’artichaut (m)
  • (lar-tee-SHO)

Learn related vocabulary

In this step, you will expand your fruit and vegetable vocabulary knowledge. This will enable you to communicate more effectively about different types of produce.

  • Berries
  • Les baies (f)
  • (lay bay)

  • Mushroom
  • Le champignon
  • (luh shahn-PEE-nyawn)

  • Salad
  • La salade
  • (la sa-LAHD)

  • Dried fruit
  • Le fruit sec
  • (luh FRWEE seck)

  • Legumes (dried beans, lentils, and peas)
  • Les légumes secs (m)
  • (lay lay-GOOM seck)

  • Nuts
  • Les noix (f)
  • (lay nwah)

  • Seeds
  • Les graines (f)
  • (lay gren)

  • Herbs
  • Les herbes aromatiques (f)
  • (lay zairb a-roh-ma-TEEEK)

  • Spices
  • Les épices (f)
  • (lay zay-PEES)

  • Olives
  • Les olives (f)
  • (lay zoh-LEEV)

To shop, cook, and understand French culinary culture, learning vocabulary related to fruits and vegetables is essential. This guide provided steps to help you familiarize yourself with these words and expand your vocabulary.

Click the button below to access a complete French list of fruits and vegetables with audio.

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