
Money and Finance in French

Learning French vocabulary related to money and finance for banking, shopping, and comprehending financial matters in French-speaking surroundings is crucial. This class will guide you through a step-by-step process to acquire fundamental French vocabulary concerning money and finance.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common French words related to money and finance:

  • Money
  • L’argent (m)
  • (lahr-ZHAHN)

  • Currency / Change
  • La monnaie
  • (la moh-NAY)

  • Banknote / Bill
  • Le billet
  • (luh bee-YAY)

  • Coin
  • La pièce
  • (la PYEHS)

  • Account
  • Le compte
  • (luh kawnt)

  • Check
  • Le chèque
  • (luh shehk)

  • Bank card / Debit card
  • La carte bancaire
  • (la kart ban-KAHR)

  • ATM
  • Le distributeur automatique
  • (luh dees-tree-byoo-TUHR oh-toh-ma-TEEK)

  • Bank
  • La banque
  • (la bahnk)

  • Savings
  • L’épargne (f)
  • (lay-PAR-nyuh)

  • Loan
  • Le prêt
  • (luh preh)

  • Interests
  • Les intérêts (m)
  • (lay zahn-TEH-ray)

  • Debt
  • La dette
  • (la det)

  • Exchange rate
  • Le taux de change
  • (luh toh duh SHAHNZH)

  • Wallet / Coin purse
  • Le porte-monnaie
  • (luh por-teuh-moh-NAY)

Learn related vocabulary

In this next step, you’ll enhance your understanding of financial matters by expanding your vocabulary related to money and finance. This will allow you to communicate more effectively about various financial topics. The words are sorted into three categories: banking, budgeting, and investing.


  • Bank transfer
  • Le virement
  • (luh veer-MAHN)

  • Fees
  • Les frais (m)
  • (lay fray)

  • Teller / Counter
  • Le guichet
  • (luh gee-SHAY)

  • Balance
  • Le solde
  • (luh sohld)

  • Interest rate
  • Le taux d’intérêt
  • (luh toh dan-teh-RAY)


  • Budget
  • Le budget
  • (luh byoo-ZHAY)

  • Expenses
  • Les dépenses (f)
  • (lay day-PAHNS)

  • Income / Revenues
  • Les revenus (m)
  • (lay ruh-vuh-NOO)

  • Salary
  • Le salaire
  • (luh sa-LAHR)

  • Tax
  • L’impôt (m)
  • (laam-POH)


  • Investment
  • L’investissement (m)
  • (lan-ves-tees-MAHN)

  • Stock market
  • La bourse
  • (la boorss)

  • Stock / Share
  • L’action (f)
  • (lak-SYAWN)

  • Dividend
  • Le dividende
  • (luh dee-vee-DAHND)

  • Profitability
  • La rentabilité
  • (la rahn-ta-bee-LEE-tay)

To navigate banking, shopping, and financial matters in French-speaking environments, learning French vocabulary related to money and finance is crucial. Follow the steps in this guide to become familiar with these terms and broaden your vocabulary with related words.

Click the button below to access a comprehensive list of money and finance vocabulary in French, complete with audio.

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