
Personality Vocabulary in French

Learning French vocabulary related to personality is essential to describe yourself and others, engaging in small talk, and understanding character traits in French-speaking settings. In this class, we’ll provide a detailed guide to assist you in learning the essential French vocabulary related to personality step-by-step.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common French words related to personality. This list will help you get started:

  • Personality
  • La personnalité
  • (la pair-soh-na-lee-TAY)

  • Nice / Friendly
  • Sympathique
  • (sahn-pa-TEEK)

  • Unfriendly
  • Antipathique
  • (ahn-tee-pa-TEEK)

  • Shy
  • Timide
  • (tee-MEED)

  • Sociable / Outgoing
  • Sociable
  • (soh-see-AH-bluh)

  • Funny
  • Drôle
  • (droll)

  • Serious
  • Sérieux / Sérieuse
  • (seh-RYUH / seh-RYUHZ)

  • Intelligent / Smart
  • Intelligent(e)
  • (een-teh-lee-ZHAHN / een-teh-lee-ZHAHNT)

  • Lazy
  • Paresseux / Paresseuse
  • (pa-reh-SUH / pa-reh-SUHZ)

  • Hardworking
  • Travailleur / Travailleuse
  • (tra-vigh-YUHR / tra-vigh-YUHZ)

  • Calm
  • Calme
  • (kalm)

  • Nervous
  • Nerveux / Nerveuse
  • (nehr-VOO / nehr-VUHZ)

  • Optimistic
  • Optimiste
  • (op-tee-MEEST)

  • Pessimistic
  • Pessimiste
  • (peh-see-MEEST)

  • Honest
  • Honnête
  • (oh-NET)

Learn related vocabulary

In this next section, you’ll expand your vocabulary related to personality traits. This will enable you to comprehend better and discuss different character traits. The words are grouped into three categories: emotions, positive characteristics, and negative characteristics.


  • Joy
  • La joie
  • (la ZHWAH)

  • Sadness
  • La tristesse
  • (la tree-STEHS)

  • Anger
  • La colère
  • (la koh-LEHR)

  • Fear
  • La peur
  • (la puhrr)

  • Surprise
  • La surprise
  • (la soo-PREEZ)

Positive traits:

  • Generous
  • Généreux / Généreuse
  • (zhay-nay-ROO / zhay-nay-ROOZ)

  • Patient
  • Patient(e)
  • (pa-see-YAHN / pa-see-YAHNT)

  • Ambitious
  • Ambitieux / Ambitieuse
  • (ahm-bee-SYEUH / ahm-bee-SYEUHZ)

  • Creative
  • Créatif / Créative
  • (kreh-a-TEEF / kreh-a-TEEV)

  • Brave / Courageous
  • Courageux / Courageuse
  • (koo-rah-ZHUH / koo-rah-ZHUHZ)

Negative traits:

  • Selfish
  • Égoïste
  • (ay-gwa-EEST)

  • Impatient
  • Impatient(e)
  • (aan-pa-see-YAHN / aan-pa-see-YAHNT)

  • Jealous
  • Jaloux / Jalouse
  • (zhah-LOO / zhah-LOOZ)

  • Stubborn
  • Têtu(e)
  • (TAY-too / TAY-tew)

  • Mean / Nasty
  • Méchant(e)
  • (may-SHAHN / may-SHAHNT)

Knowing French vocabulary related to personality is essential, as it helps describe yourself and others, engage in small talk, and comprehend character traits in French-speaking places. Follow the steps in this guide to become familiar with these words and learn related terms, thus expanding your vocabulary.

Tap the button below to access a complete collection of French vocabulary related to personality with audio.

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