
Professions Vocabulary in French

To communicate effectively about work and occupations in French-speaking environments, learning French vocabulary related to professions is crucial. This class offers a step-by-step guide to help you learn essential French vocabulary for this purpose.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common French words related to professions. This list will help you get started:

  • Doctor
  • Le médecin
  • (luh mayd-SAN)

  • Nurse
  • L’infirmier / L’infirmière
  • (lan-fir-MEE-ay / lan-fir-MEE-ehr)

  • Teacher
  • Le professeur
  • (luh pro-fess-SIR)

  • Lawyer
  • L’avocat / L’avocate
  • (lah-voh-KAH / lah-voh-KAHT)

  • Engineer
  • L’ingénieur (m/f)
  • (lan-zhay-nyer)

  • Cook / Chef
  • Le cuisinier / La cuisinière
  • (luh kwee-zeen-YAY / lah kwee-zeen-YAIR)

  • Waiter / Waitress
  • Le serveur / La serveuse
  • (luh sair-VUHR / lah sair-VUHZ)

  • Police officer
  • Le policier / La policière
  • (luh po-lee-SYAY / lah po-lee-SYAIR)

  • Firefighter
  • Le pompier
  • (luh pom-pyay)

  • Dentist
  • Le dentiste
  • (luh don-TEEST)

  • Pharmacist
  • Le pharmacien / La pharmacienne
  • (luh far-mah-SYAN / lah far-mah-SYEN)

  • Architect
  • L’architecte (m/f)
  • (lar-shee-TEKT)

  • Plumber
  • Le plombier
  • (luh plom-BYAY)

  • Electrician
  • L’électricien / L’électricienne
  • (lay-lek-tree-SYAN / lay-lek-tree-SYEN)

  • Hairdresser
  • Le coiffeur / La coiffeuse
  • (luh kwah-FUHR / lah kwah-FUHZ)

Learn related vocabulary

In this section, you will expand your vocabulary related to occupations. This will assist you in comprehending and discussing different careers. The words are grouped into three subcategories: creative professions, office-related professions, and other valuable terms.

Creative professions:

  • Artist
  • L’artiste (m/f)
  • (lar-TEEST)

  • Musician
  • Le musicien / La musicienne
  • (luh mew-zea-SYAN / lah mew-zea-SYEN)

  • Writer
  • L’écrivain / L’écrivaine
  • (lay-kree-VAN / lay-kree-VENN)

  • Photographer
  • Le photographe
  • (luh fo-to-GRAHF)

  • Designer
  • Le designer
  • (luh dee-ZYN-ur)

Office-related professions:

  • Accountant
  • Le comptable
  • (luh kohm-TAHBL)

  • Secretary
  • Le secrétaire / La secrétaire
  • (luh sek-ray-TAIR / lah sek-ray-TAIR)

  • Director
  • Le directeur / La directrice
  • (luh dee-rek-TUR / lah dee-rek-TREES)

  • Manager
  • Le manager
  • (luh man-AZHAY)

  • Receptionist
  • Le réceptionniste
  • (luh ray-sep-syoh-NEEST)

Other useful terms:

  • Entrepreneur
  • L’entrepreneur / L’entrepreneuse
  • (lan-truh-pruh-NUR / lan-truh-pruh-NUHZ)

  • Freelancer
  • Le travailleur indépendant
  • (luh trah-vai-yuhr an-day-pan-DAN)

  • Unemployed person
  • Le chômeur / La chômeuse
  • (luh sho-MUHR / lah sho-MUHZ)

  • Internship
  • Le stage
  • (luh STAHZH)

  • Employee
  • L’employé / L’employée
  • (lan-ploi-YAY / lan-ploi-YAY)

To communicate effectively about work and occupations in French-speaking environments, learning French vocabulary related to professions is essential. Follow the steps above to become familiar with these words and expand your vocabulary with related terms. As you gain more confidence with this vocabulary, you can comfortably discuss and ask about various professions and work situations in French.

Tap the button below to access a complete list of French vocabulary related to professions, complete with audio.

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