
School Vocabulary in French

Learning French vocabulary related to school is crucial if you’re studying or working in an educational setting in a French-speaking nation. This class offers a detailed and straightforward approach to help you master essential French school-related phrases.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common French words related to school. This list will help you get started:

  • School
  • L’école (f)
  • (lay-KOL)

  • Middle school
  • Le collège
  • (luh koh-LEZH)

  • High school
  • Le lycée
  • (luh lee-SAY)

  • University
  • L’université (f)
  • (loo-nee-vair-see-TAY)

  • Classroom
  • La salle de classe
  • (lah sal duh KLAS)

  • Teacher
  • Le professeur
  • (luh pro-fess-SIR)

  • Student
  • L’élève (m/f)
  • (lay-LEV)

  • Homework
  • Les devoirs (m)
  • (lay duh-VWAR)

  • Book
  • Le livre
  • (luh LEEV-ruh)

  • Notebook
  • Le cahier
  • (luh ka-YAY)

  • Pen
  • Le stylo
  • (luh STEE-lo)

  • Pencil
  • Le crayon
  • (luh kray-YON)

  • Eraser
  • La gomme
  • (lah GOM)

  • Ruler
  • La règle
  • (lah REH-gl)

  • Blackboard / Whiteboard
  • Le tableau
  • (luh tah-BLO)

Learn related vocabulary

In this next stage, you’ll acquire more school-related vocabulary. This will allow you to communicate better and comprehend various educational situations. The words are classified into three subcategories: subjects, school personnel, and other helpful terms.


  • Mathematics
  • Les mathématiques (f)
  • (lay mah-teh-mah-TEEK)

  • Biology
  • La biologie
  • (lah bee-oh-lo-ZHEE)

  • Chemistry
  • La chimie
  • (lah shee-MEE)

  • Physics
  • La physique
  • (lah fee-ZEEK)

  • History
  • L’histoire (f)
  • (lee-STWUAR)

School personnel:

  • Principal
  • Le directeur / La directrice
  • (luh dee-rek-TUR / lah dee-rek-TREES)

  • Guidance counselor
  • Le conseiller d’orientation
  • (luh kohn-say-YAY dor-ee-ahn-ta-SYON)

  • School nurse
  • L’infirmier / L’infirmière
  • (lan-fir-MEE-ay / lan-fir-MEE-ehr)

  • School monitor
  • Le surveillant / La surveillante
  • (luh syur-vay-YAN / lah syur-vay-YAHNT)

  • Librarian
  • Le bibliothécaire
  • (luh bee-blee-oh-tay-KAIR)

Other useful terms:

  • Desk
  • Le bureau
  • (luh byoor-OH)

  • Backpack
  • Le sac à dos
  • (luh sak a DOH)

  • School supplies
  • Les fournitures scolaires (f)
  • (lay for-nee-tyur sko-lehr)

  • Grades
  • Les notes (f)
  • (lay NOHT)

  • Exam
  • L’examen (m)
  • (layg-za-MAN)

Knowing French vocabulary related to school is essential if you want to communicate in educational environments in French-speaking countries comfortably. This guide provided steps to help you learn these words and expand your vocabulary with related terms. With practice, you’ll be able to confidently discuss school-related topics and interact with teachers, students, and staff in French.

To access a complete list of French school vocabulary with audio, tap the button below.

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