
Countries and Nationalities in German

Begin your journey to learn German by acquainting yourself with the fundamental vocabulary related to countries and nationalities. The following words are widely used and will help you get started:

  • Germany
  • Deutschland
  • The United States
  • Die Vereinigten Staaten
  • Great Britain
  • Großbritannien
  • France
  • Frankreich
  • Italy
  • Italien
  • Spain
  • Spanien
  • China
  • China
  • India
  • Indien
  • Brazil
  • Brasilien
  • Canada
  • Kanada
  • Australia
  • Australien
  • Mexico
  • Mexiko
  • Russia
  • Russland
  • Japan
  • Japan
  • South Africa
  • Südafrika

Learn Related Vocabulary

Now, let’s delve deeper into countries and nationalities-related vocabulary by exploring three categories: Common Nationalities, Adjectives for Nationalities, and Language Demonyms.

Common Nationalities

Here are five commonly referred nationalities in German:

  • German (male/female)
  • Der Deutsche / Die Deutsche
  • American (male/female)
  • Der Amerikaner / Die Amerikanerin
  • Briton (male/female)
  • Der Brite / Die Britin
  • Frenchman / Frenchwoman
  • Der Franzose / Die Französin
  • Italian (male/female)
  • Der Italiener / Die Italienerin

Adjectives for Nationalities

In many instances, we use adjectives derived from nationalities. Here are five examples:

  • German
  • Deutsch
  • American
  • Amerikanisch
  • British
  • Britisch
  • French
  • Französisch
  • Italian
  • Italienisch

Language Demonyms

When referring to languages in German, we use language demonyms. Let’s look at five examples:

  • German
  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Englisch
  • French
  • Französisch
  • Spanish
  • Spanisch
  • Italian
  • Italienisch

Continents and Inhabitants

  • Continent
  • Der Kontinent
  • Africa
  • Afrika
  • African (male/female)
  • der Afrikaner / die Afrikanerin
  • Asia
  • Asien
  • Asian (male/female)
  • der Asiate / die Asiatin
  • Europe
  • Europa
  • European (male/female)
  • der Europäer / die Europäerin
  • America
  • Amerika
  • American (male/female)
  • der Amerikaner / die Amerikanerin

The words about countries and nationalities are amongst the first vocabulary any language learner should master. They are useful in many day-to-day conversations and scenarios, like talking about travel experiences, discussing global affairs, or sharing personal heritage. Stay consistent with your practice, and you’ll see progress in no time!

To access a comprehensive list of countries and nationalities vocabulary in German with audio, tap the button below.

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