
Directions Vocabulary in German

Having a grasp of direction-related vocabulary is crucial when exploring a German-speaking region. Familiarizing yourself with key terms can give you the confidence to navigate easily. Let’s take a look at some key terms to help you get around with confidence.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start your navigation journey with these fundamental German words related to directions:

  • Direction
  • Die Richtung
  • North
  • Der Norden
  • South
  • Der Süden
  • East
  • Der Osten
  • West
  • Der Westen
  • Up
  • Oben
  • Down
  • Unten
  • Left
  • Links
  • Right
  • Rechts
  • Straight ahead
  • Geradeaus
  • Back
  • Zurück
  • Here
  • Hier
  • There
  • Dort
  • Inside
  • Innen
  • Outside
  • Außen

Learn related vocabulary

Now, we’ll delve into more specific terms related to road types, location descriptions, and transportation methods.

Road Types:

  • Street
  • Die Straße
  • Way / Path
  • Der Weg
  • Highway
  • Die Autobahn
  • Trail
  • Der Pfad
  • Footpath
  • Der Fußweg

Location Descriptions:

  • Square / Place
  • Der Platz
  • Park
  • Der Park
  • Train station
  • Der Bahnhof
  • Bus stop
  • Die Haltestelle
  • Building
  • Das Gebäude

Transportation Methods:

  • By foot
  • Zu Fuß
  • By car
  • Mit dem Auto
  • By bus
  • Mit dem Bus
  • By bicycle
  • Mit dem Fahrrad
  • By train
  • Mit dem Zug


With this essential vocabulary in your German language toolkit, you’ll be ready to navigate any German-speaking location with ease. Don’t forget to put these words into practice whenever possible. Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

To access a comprehensive list of directions vocabulary in German with audio, tap the button below.

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