
Food and Drink in German

Whether you’re dining in a German restaurant or buying groceries, understanding the names of various types of food and drink can be beneficial. This class will provide the necessary vocabulary to assist you in navigating your culinary journey.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start your culinary journey with these basic German words related to food and drink:

  • Food
  • Das Essen
  • Drink
  • Das Trinken
  • Apple
  • Der Apfel
  • Bread
  • Das Brot
  • Milk
  • Die Milch
  • Meat
  • Das Fleisch
  • Coffee
  • Der Kaffee
  • Water
  • Das Wasser
  • Juice
  • Der Saft
  • Tea
  • Der Tee
  • Potato
  • Die Kartoffel
  • Vegetable
  • Das Gemüse
  • Fish
  • Der Fisch
  • Beer
  • Das Bier
  • Wine
  • Der Wein

Learn related vocabulary

Next, let’s delve deeper into more specific terms related to bakery items, types of meat, and dairy products.

Bakery Items:

  • Rolls
  • Die Brötchen
  • Cake
  • Der Kuchen
  • Pretzel
  • Die Brezel
  • Croissant
  • Das Croissant
  • Pastries
  • Das Gebäck

Types of Meat:

  • Chicken
  • Das Huhn
  • Beef
  • Das Rindfleisch
  • Pork
  • Das Schweinefleisch
  • Ham
  • Der Schinken
  • Sausage
  • Die Wurst

Dairy Products:

  • Butter
  • Die Butter
  • Cheese
  • Der Käse
  • Cream
  • Die Sahne
  • Yogurt
  • Der Joghurt
  • Eggs
  • Die Eier


With this basic and related vocabulary, you’ll be well-equipped to order in a restaurant or talk about your favorite foods and drinks in German. Remember, the key to language learning is practice, so try to use these new words in your daily life. Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

To access a comprehensive list of food and drink vocabulary in German with audio, tap the button below.

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