
Money and Finance in German

When learning a new language, it’s important to know money and finance-related words and phrases, especially if you plan to travel, work, or do business in a German-speaking country. To help you out, this class will introduce you to some common German vocabulary related to money and finance.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the basics

Let’s start with basic German words related to money and finance:

  • Money
  • Das Geld
  • Bank
  • Die Bank
  • Check
  • Der Scheck
  • Credit Card
  • Die Kreditkarte
  • Cash
  • Das Bargeld
  • Coin
  • Die Münze
  • Bill/Note
  • Der Schein
  • ATM
  • Der Geldautomat
  • Account
  • Das Konto
  • Interest
  • Der Zins
  • Currency
  • Die Währung
  • Stock Exchange
  • Die Börse
  • Stock
  • Die Aktie
  • Debt
  • Die Schulden
  • Salary
  • Das Gehalt

Learn related vocabulary

Let’s delve deeper into the world of money and finance by exploring key terms related to banking, investment, and shopping. Check out the list below.

Banking Terms:

  • Transfer
  • Die Überweisung
  • Deposit
  • Die Einzahlung
  • Withdrawal
  • Die Auszahlung
  • Loan
  • Der Kredit
  • Account Number
  • Die Kontonummer

Investment Terms:

  • Yield/Return
  • Die Rendite
  • Risk
  • Das Risiko
  • Dividend
  • Die Dividende
  • Fund
  • Der Fonds
  • Bond
  • Die Anleihe

Shopping Terms:

  • Price
  • Der Preis
  • Discount
  • Der Rabatt
  • Voucher
  • Der Gutschein
  • Receipt
  • Die Quittung
  • Exchange
  • Der Umtausch


Learning these words related to money and finance will certainly make your experience in a German-speaking environment smoother, especially when dealing with financial matters. Practice using these words in sentences and everyday situations to better remember them. Happy learning!

To access a comprehensive list of money and finance vocabulary in German with audio, tap the button below.

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