
Shops and Places Vocabulary in German

If you plan on traveling to a German-speaking country, you must know the names of various shops and places. This class will provide some common German vocabulary related to these establishments.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning these common German words related to shops and places:

  • Shop
  • Der Laden
  • Department store
  • Das Kaufhaus
  • Pharmacy
  • Die Apotheke
  • Bakery
  • Die Bäckerei
  • Butcher’s shop
  • Die Metzgerei
  • Restaurant
  • Das Restaurant
  • Café
  • Das Café
  • Hospital
  • Das Krankenhaus
  • School
  • Die Schule
  • University
  • Die Universität
  • Library
  • Die Bibliothek
  • Park
  • Der Park
  • Museum
  • Das Museum
  • Bank
  • Die Bank
  • Cinema
  • Das Kino

Learn related vocabulary

Let’s enhance your vocabulary by introducing words related to shopping, cultural sites, and service locations.


  • Supermarket
  • Der Supermarkt
  • Boutique
  • Die Boutique
  • Flea market (is a type of street market that provides space for vendors to sell second-hand goods.)
  • Der Flohmarkt
  • Shopping center
  • Das Einkaufszentrum
  • Fruit and vegetable market
  • Der Obst- und Gemüsemarkt

Cultural Places:

  • Art gallery
  • Die Kunstgalerie
  • Theater
  • Das Theater
  • Concert hall
  • Das Konzerthaus
  • Zoo
  • Der Zoo
  • Amusement park
  • Der Vergnügungspark

Service Places:

  • Post office
  • Die Post
  • Hotel
  • Das Hotel
  • Police station
  • Die Polizeistation
  • Fire station
  • Die Feuerwache
  • Town hall
  • Das Rathaus

Knowing the names of different types of shops and places in German will help you navigate your way through a German-speaking city or town more efficiently. Keep practicing these words, and soon they’ll become second nature. Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

Tap the button below to access a comprehensive list of German shops and places vocabulary with audio.

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