
Colors in Italian

Learning Italian color-related vocabulary is crucial in everyday life and communication. This class offers a comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide to help you master essential Italian color vocabulary.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common Italian words related to colors:

  • Red
  • Rosso
  • (ROHS-soh)

  • Green
  • Verde
  • (VEHR-deh)

  • Blue
  • Blu
  • (bloo)

  • Yellow
  • Giallo
  • (JAH-loh)

  • Orange
  • Arancione
  • (ah-rahn-CHYOH-neh)

  • Brown
  • Marrone
  • (mahr-ROH-neh)

  • Purple
  • Viola
  • (VYOH-lah)

  • Pink
  • Rosa
  • (ROH-zah)

  • Grey
  • Grigio
  • (GREE-joh)

  • Black
  • Nero
  • (NEH-roh)

  • White
  • Bianco
  • (BYAHN-koh)

  • Light blue
  • Azzurro
  • (aht-ZOOR-roh)

  • Turquoise
  • Turchese
  • (toor-KEH-zeh)

  • Silver
  • Argento
  • (ahr-JEHN-toh)

  • Gold
  • Oro
  • (OH-roh)

Learn related vocabulary

This section will expand your knowledge of color-related vocabulary, making it easier to discuss and describe different hues and color-related phrases. The vocabulary is divided into shades of colors, color adjectives, and idiomatic expressions.

Shades of colors:

  • Light
  • Chiaro
  • (KYAH-roh)
  • (as in “rosso chiaro” for light red)

  • Dark
  • Scuro
  • (SKOO-roh)
  • (as in “verde scuro” for dark green)

  • Pastel
  • Pastello
  • (pahs-TEL-loh)
  • (as in “blu pastello” for pastel blue)

  • Emerald
  • Smeraldo
  • (zme-RAHL-doh)
  • (as in “verde smeraldo” for emerald green)

  • Ruby
  • Rubino
  • (roo-BEE-noh)
  • (as in “rosso rubino” for ruby red)

Color adjectives:

  • Colorful
  • Colorato
  • (koh-loh-RAH-toh)

  • Faded
  • Sbiadito
  • (zbyah-DEE-toh)

  • Bright
  • Brillante
  • (bree-LAHN-teh)

  • Dull
  • Opaco
  • (oh-PAH-koh)

  • Multicolored
  • Multicolore
  • (mool-tee-koh-LOH-reh)

Idiomatic expressions:

  • To see everything through rose-colored glasses
  • Vedere tutto rosa
  • (veh-DEH-reh TOOT-toh ROH-zah)

  • To have a grey day (to be in a bad mood)
  • Avere una giornata grigia
  • (ah-VEH-reh OO-nah jor-NAH-tah GREE-jah)

  • To be broke (literally: to be at the green)
  • Essere al verde
  • (ES-seh-reh ahl VEHR-deh)

  • To have a green thumb
  • Avere il pollice verde
  • (ah-VEH-reh eel POHL-ee-cheh VEHR-deh)

  • To give one’s all (literally: to give red and yellow)
  • Dare il rosso e il giallo
  • (dah-reh eel ROHS-soh eh eel JAH-loh)

If you want to express yourself in Italian, learning vocabulary related to colors is essential. This guide provided step-by-step instructions on how to familiarize yourself with these words and expand your vocabulary with related terms. As you become more comfortable with this vocabulary, you can confidently describe and discuss colors in Italian, improving your overall language skills.

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