
Countries and Nationalities in Italian

Getting familiar with the names of countries and nationalities in Italian is a fundamental part of learning the language. This class will introduce you to key vocabulary and help you understand the structure of these words in Italian.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start your journey by learning these common Italian words related to countries and nationalities:

  • Italy
  • Italia
  • (ee-TAH-lyah)
  • Italian
  • Italiano
  • (ee-tah-LYAH-noh)
  • France
  • Francia
  • (FRAHN-chah)
  • French
  • Francese
  • (frahn-CHEH-zeh)
  • Spain
  • Spagna
  • (SPAH-nyah)
  • Spanish
  • Spagnolo
  • (spah-NYOH-loh)
  • Germany
  • Germania
  • (jehr-MAH-nyah)
  • German
  • Tedesco
  • (teh-DEH-skoh)
  • England
  • Inghilterra
  • (in-ghee-LTEH-rrah)
  • English
  • Inglese
  • (in-GLEH-zeh)
  • United States
  • Stati Uniti
  • (STAH-tee oo-NEE-tee)
  • American
  • Americano
  • (ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh)
  • Canada
  • Canada
  • (kah-NAH-dah)
  • Canadian
  • Canadese
  • (kah-nah-DEH-zeh)
  • Australia
  • Australia
  • (ow-strah-LEE-yah)
  • Australian
  • Australiano
  • (ow-strah-lee-YAH-no)

Learn related vocabulary

Now, let’s expand your vocabulary with words related to geographical locations, languages spoken in different countries, and words related to travel.

Geographical locations:

  • Continent
  • Continente
  • (kohn-tee-NEN-teh)
  • Nation
  • Nazione
  • (nah-TSYOH-neh)
  • City
  • Città
  • (CHEE-tah)
  • Capital
  • Capitale
  • (kah-pee-TAH-leh)
  • Region
  • Regione
  • (reh-joh-NEH)


  • Language
  • Lingua
  • (LEEN-gwah)
  • Dialect
  • Dialetto
  • (dee-ah-LEH-ttoh)
  • Bilingual
  • Bilingue
  • (bee-LEEN-gwe)
  • Polyglot
  • Poliglotta
  • (poh-lee-GLOHT-tah)
  • Translation
  • Traduzione
  • (trah-du-TSYOH-neh)

Travel-related words:

  • Passport
  • Passaporto
  • (pah-sah-POR-toh)
  • Trip
  • Viaggio
  • (vee-AH-jjoh)
  • Tourist
  • Turista
  • (too-REE-stah)
  • Destination
  • Destinazione
  • (deh-stee-nah-TSYOH-neh)
  • Suitcase
  • Valigia
  • (vah-LEE-jah)

With this list of Italian vocabulary related to countries and nationalities, you’re well on your way to broadening your understanding of the language. Remember, regular practice is key to mastering these words. Buona fortuna! (Good luck!)

To access a comprehensive list of countries and nationalities vocabulary in Italian with audio, tap the button below.

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