
Directions Vocabulary in Italian

Understanding directions in Italian is essential, whether you’re navigating the streets of Rome or asking for the nearest restroom. This class will equip you with basic Italian vocabulary for directions to help you find your way.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning these common Italian words for directions:

  • North
  • Il nord
  • (eel nord)
  • South
  • Il sud
  • (eel sood)
  • East
  • L’est
  • (l’est)
  • West
  • L’ovest
  • (lo-VEST)
  • Left
  • Sinistra
  • (see-NEES-trah)
  • Right
  • Destra
  • (DEH-strah)
  • Straight
  • Dritto
  • (DREET-toh)
  • Back
  • Indietro
  • (een-DYEH-troh)
  • Near
  • Vicino
  • (vee-CHEE-noh)
  • Far
  • Lontano
  • (lawn-TAH-noh)
  • Up
  • Su
  • (soo)
  • Down
  • Giù
  • (joo)
  • Inside
  • Dentro
  • (DEN-troh)
  • Outside
  • Fuori
  • (FWOH-ree)
  • Next to
  • Accanto a
  • (ah-KAHN-toh ah)

Learn related vocabulary

Here, we delve deeper into the topic with more specific vocabulary. We’ll cover terms for road types, buildings and places, and helpful phrases when asking for directions.

Road types:

  • Road
  • La strada
  • (lah STRAH-dah)
  • Highway
  • L’autostrada
  • (lout-oh-STRAH-dah)
  • Avenue
  • Il viale
  • (eel vee-AH-leh)
  • Square
  • La piazza
  • (lah PYAHT-tsah)
  • Alley
  • Il vicolo
  • (eel vee-COH-loh)

Buildings and places:

  • Building
  • Il palazzo
  • (eel pah-LAT-tsoh)
  • Church
  • La chiesa
  • (lah KYEH-zah)
  • Park
  • Il parco
  • (eel PAR-koh)
  • Museum
  • Il museo
  • (eel moo-ZEH-oh)
  • Hospital
  • L’ospedale
  • (lohs-peh-DAH-leh)

Helpful phrases when asking for directions:

  • Where is…?
  • Dov’è…?
  • (doh-VEH)
  • How do I get to…?
  • Come arrivo a…?
  • (KOH-meh ahr-REE-voh ah)
  • Is it far?
  • È lontano?
  • (eh lawn-TAH-noh)
  • Is it near?
  • È vicino?
  • (eh vee-CHEE-noh)
  • I’m lost
  • Mi sono perso/a.
  • (mee SOH-noh PEHR-soh/ah)

Learning the Italian vocabulary for directions is a practical skill that will help you navigate Italian-speaking environments more efficiently. Use this guide as a starting point, and continue to expand your vocabulary with practice. Soon, you’ll be able to ask for and understand directions in Italian with ease. Buona fortuna! (Good luck!)

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