
Family Member’s Vocabulary in Italian

Family is an essential aspect of Italian culture, and learning how to discuss family members in Italian will help you engage in conversations with native speakers. This step-by-step class will introduce you to basic Italian vocabulary for family members.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning these common Italian words related to family:

  • Family
  • La famiglia
  • (lah fa-MEE-lya)
  • Father
  • Il padre
  • (eel PAH-dreh)
  • Mother
  • La madre
  • (lah MAH-dreh)
  • Brother
  • Il fratello
  • (eel frah-TEL-loh)
  • Sister
  • La sorella
  • (lah soh-REHL-lah)
  • Son
  • Il figlio
  • (eel FEEL-yoh)
  • Daughter
  • La figlia
  • (lah FEEL-yah)
  • Husband
  • Il marito
  • (eel mah-REE-toh)
  • Wife
  • La moglie
  • (lah MOH-lyeh)
  • Grandfather
  • Il nonno
  • (eel NON-noh)
  • Grandmother
  • La nonna
  • (lah NON-nah)
  • Nephew / Grandson
  • Il nipote
  • (eel nee-PO-teh)
  • Niece / Granddaughter
  • La nipote
  • (lah nee-PO-teh)
  • Uncle
  • Lo zio
  • (loh TZEE-oh)
  • Aunt
  • La zia
  • (lah TZEE-ah)

Learn related vocabulary

Here, we delve deeper into the topic with more specific vocabulary. We’ll cover terms for extended family, in-laws, and family-related phrases.

Extended family:

  • Cousin (male)
  • Il cugino
  • (eel koo-GEE-noh)
  • Cousin (female)
  • La cugina
  • (lah koo-GEE-nah)
  • Great-grandfather
  • Il bisnonno
  • (eel bees-NON-noh)
  • Great-grandmother
  • La bisnonna
  • (lah bees-NON-nah)
  • Great-grandson
  • Il pronipote
  • (eel pro-nee-PO-teh)


  • Father-in-law
  • Il suocero
  • (eel SWOH-cheh-roh)
  • Mother-in-law
  • La suocera
  • (lah SWOH-cheh-rah)
  • Son-in-law
  • Il genero
  • (eel JEH-ne-roh)
  • Daughter-in-law
  • La nuora
  • (lah NWOR-ah)
  • Brother-in-law (husband’s brother or sister’s husband)
  • Il cognato
  • (eel ko-NYA-toh)
  • Sister-in-law (wife’s sister or brother’s wife)
  • La cognata
  • (lah ko-NYA-tah)

Family-related phrases:

  • My parents
  • I miei genitori
  • (ee MYEH-ee jeh-nee-TOH-ree)
  • My grandparents
  • I miei nonni
  • (ee MYEH-ee NON-nee)
  • My children
  • I miei figli
  • (ee MYEH-ee FEEL-yee)
  • We’re family
  • Siamo in famiglia
  • (SEE-ah-moh een fa-MEE-lya)
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  • Ha fratelli o sorelle?
  • (ah frah-TEL-lee oh soh-REHL-leh)

Learning the Italian vocabulary for family members will help you connect with Italian speakers and share more about your own family. Use this guide as a starting point and continue to expand your vocabulary with practice. Soon, you’ll be able to discuss family in Italian with ease. Buon studio! (Happy studying!)

To access a comprehensive list of family member vocabulary in Italian with audio, tap the button below.

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