
Personality Vocabulary in Italian

Describing personalities and character traits is an essential part of daily conversation, and it’s no different in Italian. This step-by-step class will introduce you to basic Italian vocabulary related to personality traits.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning these common Italian words related to personality:

  • Personality
  • La personalità
  • (lah pehr-soh-nah-LEE-tah)
  • Nice
  • Simpatico/a
  • (sim-PAH-tee-koh / sim-PAH-tee-kah)
  • Unpleasant
  • Antipatico/a
  • (ahn-tee-PAH-tee-koh / ahn-tee-PAH-tee-kah)
  • Happy
  • Felice
  • (FEH-lee-cheh)
  • Sad
  • Triste
  • (TREES-teh)
  • Kind
  • Gentile
  • (jen-TEE-leh)
  • Rude
  • Rude
  • (ROO-deh)
  • Brave
  • Coraggioso/a
  • (koh-rah-JOH-zoh / koh-rah-JOH-zah)
  • Shy
  • Timido/a
  • (TEE-mee-doh / TEE-mee-dah)
  • Patient
  • Paziente
  • (pah-TSYEN-teh)
  • Impatient
  • Impaziente
  • (im-pah-TSYEN-teh)
  • Generous
  • Generoso/a
  • (jeh-neh-ROH-soh / jeh-neh-ROH-sah)
  • Selfish
  • Egoista
  • (eh-GOY-stah)
  • Honest
  • Onesto/a
  • (oh-NES-toh / oh-NES-tah)
  • Liar
  • Bugiardo/a
  • (boo-JAR-doh / boo-JAR-dah)

Learn related vocabulary

Here, we delve deeper into the topic with more specific vocabulary. We’ll cover terms for more complex personality traits, emotions, and personality-related phrases.

Complex personality traits:

  • Extroverted
  • Estroverso/a
  • (es-troh-VER-soh / es-troh-VER-sah)
  • Introverted
  • Introverso/a
  • (een-troh-VER-soh / een-troh-VER-sah)
  • Optimistic
  • Ottimista
  • (ot-tee-MEE-stah)
  • Pessimistic
  • Pessimista
  • (peh-see-MEE-stah)
  • Ambitious
  • Ambizioso/a
  • (ahm-bee-TSYOH-soh / ahm-bee-TSYOH-sah)


  • Happiness
  • Felicità
  • (fay-lee-chee-TAH)
  • Sadness
  • Tristezza
  • (tree-STET-sah)
  • Anger
  • Rabbia
  • (RAB-biah)
  • Fear
  • Paura
  • (pah-OO-rah)
  • Love
  • Amore
  • (ah-MOH-reh)

Personality-related phrases:

  • He/She has a good character
  • Ha un buon carattere
  • (ah oon boon ka-rahk-TEH-reh)
  • He/She has a bad character
  • Ha un brutto carattere
  • (ah oon BRUT-toh ka-rahk-TEH-reh)
  • I’m in a good mood
  • Sono di buon umore
  • (SO-noh dee bwon oo-MOH-reh)
  • I’m in a bad mood
  • Sono di cattivo umore
  • (SO-noh dee ka-TEE-voh oo-MOH-reh)
  • He/She is always cheerful
  • È sempre allegro/a
  • (EH SEM-preh al-LEH-groh / al-LEH-grah)

Learning the Italian vocabulary for personality traits and emotions will help you describe yourself and others in more detail, leading to more engaging and meaningful conversations. Use this guide as a starting point and continue to expand your vocabulary with practice. Soon, you’ll be able to discuss personality in Italian with confidence. Buon apprendimento! (Happy learning!)

To access a comprehensive list of personality vocabulary in Italian with audio, tap the button below.

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