
Profession Vocabulary in Italian

Discussing professions is a common topic in daily conversations, making learning Italian words related to jobs and occupations worthwhile. This class provides a systematic approach to help you become proficient in the most frequently used Italian terms related to professions.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning these common Italian words for professions:

  • Doctor
  • Il dottore/la dottoressa
  • (eel DOH-toh-reh / lah doh-toh-RESS-ah)
  • Nurse
  • L’infermiere/l’infermiera
  • (leen-fer-MYEH-reh / leen-fer-MYEH-rah)
  • Teacher
  • L’insegnante (m/f)
  • (leen-seh-NYAHN-teh)
  • Lawyer
  • L’avvocato/l’avvocatessa
  • (lahv-voh-KAH-toh / lahv-voh-kah-TESS-ah)
  • Engineer
  • L’ingegnere (m/f)
  • (leen-jeh-NEH-reh)
  • Chef
  • Il cuoco/la cuoca
  • (eel KWOH-koh / lah KWOH-kah)
  • Waiter/waitress
  • Il cameriere/la cameriera
  • (eel kah-meh-RYEH-reh / lah kah-meh-RYEH-rah)
  • Police officer
  • Il poliziotto/la poliziotta
  • (eel poh-lee-TSYOH-toh / lah poh-lee-TSYOH-tah)
  • Firefighter
  • Il pompiere
  • (eel pom-PEE-eh-reh)
  • Pilot
  • Il pilota/la pilota
  • (eel pee-LOH-tah / lah pee-LOH-tah)
  • Actor/actress
  • L’attore/l’attrice
  • (laht-TOH-reh / lah-TREE-cheh)
  • Musician
  • Il musicista/la musicista
  • (eel moo-see-CHEES-tah / lah moo-see-CHEES-tah)
  • Artist
  • L’artista (m/f)
  • (lahr-TEES-tah)
  • Writer
  • Lo scrittore/la scrittrice
  • (loh skrit-TOH-reh / lah skrit-TREE-cheh)
  • Mechanic
  • Il meccanico/la meccanica
  • (eel meh-KAH-nee-koh / lah meh-KAH-nee-kah)

Learn related vocabulary

This section will explore the topic in greater detail using specific vocabulary. We will discuss terms related to job search, workplace terminology, and words used to describe job status.

Job search terms:

  • Resume
  • Il curriculum vitae
  • (eel koo-ree-KOO-lohm vee-teh)
  • Job interview
  • L’intervista di lavoro
  • (leen-ter-VEES-tah dee LAH-voh-roh)
  • Job offer
  • L’offerta di lavoro
  • (loh-FEHR-tah dee LAH-voh-roh)
  • Employer
  • Il datore di lavoro
  • (eel DAH-toh-reh dee LAH-voh-roh)
  • Employee
  • Il dipendente
  • (eel dee-pen-DEN-teh)

Workplace terms:

  • Office
  • L’ufficio
  • (loof-FEE-choh)
  • Factory
  • La fabbrica
  • (lah fah-BREE-kah)
  • Hospital
  • L’ospedale (m)
  • (lohs-peh-DAH-leh)
  • School
  • La scuola
  • (lah SKWOH-lah)
  • Restaurant
  • Il ristorante
  • (eel ree-stoh-RAN-teh)

Job status:

  • Full-time
  • Il tempo pieno
  • (eel TEM-poh PYEH-noh)
  • Part-time
  • Il tempo parziale
  • (eel TEM-poh par-TSYAH-leh)
  • Fixed-term contract
  • Il contratto a tempo determinato
  • (eel kon-TRAH-toh ah TEM-poh deh-tehr-mee-NAH-toh)
  • Permanent contract
  • Il contratto a tempo indeterminato
  • (eel kon-TRAH-toh ah TEM-poh in-deh-ter-mee-NAH-toh)
  • Freelance work
  • Il lavoro autonomo
  • (eel LAH-voh-roh ow-toh-NOH-moh)

By understanding Italian vocabulary related to professions, you can enhance your conversations and better understand Italian culture. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to learn and practice these words.

Tap the button below to access a complete list of Italian profession-related vocabulary with audio.

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