
School Vocabulary in Italian

Learning a new language requires understanding the vocabulary related to education, which is a significant part of life. That’s where this class comes in – it provides a step-by-step guide to help you learn essential Italian vocabulary about school.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common Italian words related to school:

  • School
  • La scuola
  • (lah SKWOH-lah)
  • Teacher
  • L’insegnante (m/f)
  • (leen-seh-NYAHN-teh)
  • Student
  • Lo studente/la studentessa
  • (loh stoo-DEN-teh / lah stoo-den-TESS-ah)
  • Lesson
  • La lezione
  • (lah let-TSYOH-neh)
  • Homework
  • I compiti
  • (ee kom-PEE-tee)
  • Classroom
  • La classe
  • (lah KLAHS-seh)
  • Subject
  • La materia
  • (lah mah-TEH-ryah)
  • Book
  • Il libro
  • (eel LEE-broh)
  • Blackboard
  • La lavagna
  • (lah lah-VAHN-yah)
  • Notebook
  • Il quaderno
  • (eel kwah-DEHR-noh)
  • Pen
  • La penna
  • (lah PEN-nah)
  • Pencil
  • La matita
  • (lah mah-TEE-tah)
  • Backpack
  • Lo zaino
  • (loh ZAI-noh)
  • Exam
  • L’esame
  • (leh-ZAH-meh)
  • Break
  • La pausa
  • (lah PAU-zah)

Learn related vocabulary

In this next phase, you will expand your vocabulary related to school. This will enable you to communicate effectively about different aspects of education. The words are divided into three subcategories: school subjects, school staff, and school facilities.

School subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • La matematica
  • (lah MAH-teh-MAH-tee-kah)
  • History
  • La storia
  • (lah STOH-ryah)
  • Geography
  • La geografia
  • (lah jeh-oh-GRAH-fee-ah)
  • Italian
  • L’italiano (m)
  • (lee-tahl-YAH-noh)
  • English
  • L’inglese (m)
  • (leen-GLEH-seh)

School staff:

  • Principal
  • Il preside/la preside
  • (eel preh-SEE-deh / lah preh-SEE-deh)
  • Vice principal
  • Il/la vicepreside
  • (eel/ lah vee-cheh-PREH-see-deh)
  • Janitor
  • Il bidello/la bidella
  • (eel bee-DEHL-loh / lah bee-DEHL-lah)
  • Secretary
  • La segretaria
  • (lah seh-greh-TAH-ryah)
  • Librarian
  • Il bibliotecario/la bibliotecaria
  • (eel bee-blee-oh-teh-KAH-ryoh / lah bee-blee-oh-teh-KAH-ryah)

School facilities:

  • Library
  • La biblioteca
  • (lah bee-blee-oh-TEH-kah)
  • Gym
  • La palestra
  • (lah pah-LEHS-trah)
  • Computer room
  • L’aula informatica (f)
  • (lah-OO-lah een-for-MAH-tee-kah)
  • Laboratory
  • Il laboratorio
  • (eel lah-boh-rah-TOH-ryo)
  • Schoolyard
  • Il cortile
  • (eel kor-TEE-leh)

It is essential to learn Italian vocabulary related to school for daily communication and understanding of the education system in Italy. You can follow the steps in this guide to become familiar with these words and increase your vocabulary with related terms.

Click on the button below to access a complete list of Italian school-related vocabulary with audio.

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