
Shapes Vocabulary in Italian

Learning the Italian vocabulary related to shapes is crucial since shapes are essential in everyday life and communication. This class offers a step-by-step guide to help you acquire the necessary Italian vocabulary.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common Italian words related to shapes:

  • Circle
  • Il cerchio
  • (eel CHEHR-kyoh)

  • Square
  • Il quadrato
  • (eel kwah-DRAT-oh)

  • Rectangle
  • Il rettangolo
  • (eel reht-TAHN-goh-loh)

  • Triangle
  • Il triangolo
  • (eel tree-AHN-goh-loh)

  • Pentagon
  • Il pentagono
  • (eel pen-TAH-goh-noh)

  • Rhombus
  • Il rombo
  • (eel ROM-boh)

  • Trapezoid
  • Il trapezio
  • (eel trah-PEH-tsee-oh)

  • Octagon
  • L’ottagono (m)
  • (lot-tah-GOH-noh)

  • Cone
  • Il cono
  • (eel KOH-noh)

  • Sphere
  • La sfera
  • (lah SFEH-rah)

  • Cylinder
  • Il cilindro
  • (eel chee-LEEN-droh)

  • Cube
  • Il cubo
  • (eel KOO-boh)

  • Pyramid
  • La piramide
  • (lah pee-RAH-mee-deh)

  • Ellipse
  • L’ellisse (f)
  • (lel-LEES-seh)

  • Parallelepiped
  • Il parallelepipedo
  • (eel pah-rah-leh-leh-PEE-peh-doh)

Learn related vocabulary

In this section, you will expand your knowledge of shape-related vocabulary. This will enable you to communicate effectively about various shapes and geometric concepts. The vocabulary is grouped into geometric terms, shape-describing adjectives, and idiomatic expressions.

Geometric terms:

  • Point
  • Il punto
  • (eel POON-toh)

  • Line
  • La linea
  • (lah lee-NEH-ah)

  • Line segment
  • Il segmento
  • (eel seh-GMEN-toh)

  • Radius
  • Il raggio
  • (eel RAHD-joh)

  • Diagonal
  • La diagonale
  • (lah dee-ah-GOH-nah-leh)

Adjectives to describe shapes:

  • Symmetrical
  • Simmetrico
  • (seem-MEH-tree-koh)

  • Asymmetrical
  • Asimmetrico
  • (ah-seem-MEH-tree-koh)

  • Regular
  • Regolare
  • (reh-goh-LAH-reh)

  • Irregular
  • Irregolare
  • (eer-reh-goh-LAH-reh)

  • Congruent
  • Congruente
  • (kohn-GROO-ehn-teh)

Idiomatic expressions:

  • To go around in circles
  • Andare in tondo
  • (ahn-DAH-reh een TOHN-doh)

  • To break the mold
  • Rompere gli schemi
  • (rom-PEH-reh yee SKEH-mee)

  • To be out of shape
  • Essere fuori forma
  • (EHS-seh-reh FOO-oh-ree FOHR-mah)

  • To square the circle
  • Quadrare il cerchio
  • (kwah-DRAR-eh eel CHEHR-kyoh)

  • To take a leap of faith
  • Fare un salto nel vuoto
  • (FAH-reh oon SAHL-toh nel VWOH-toh)

To improve your daily communication and self-expression, learning Italian vocabulary related to shapes is essential. Follow the steps in this guide to become familiar with these words and expand your vocabulary with related terms.

Click the button below to access a complete list of shape vocabulary in Italian, complete with audio.

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