
Shops and Places Vocabulary in Italian

Daily life and conversations often revolve around shops and places, making it crucial to familiarize oneself with the Italian vocabulary related to them. This class offers a comprehensive and systematic approach to learning essential Italian terminology regarding shops and places.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common Italian words related to shops and places:

  • Supermarket
  • Il supermercato
  • (eel soo-pehr-mehr-KAH-toh)
  • Bakery
  • La panetteria
  • (lah pah-net-TEH-ree-ah)
  • Butcher shop
  • La macelleria
  • (lah mah-chel-LEH-ree-ah)
  • Pharmacy
  • La farmacia
  • (lah far-MAH-chee-ah)
  • Clothing store
  • Il negozio di abbigliamento
  • (eel neh-GOHT-zee-oh dee ab-bee-lya-MEN-toh)
  • Newsstand
  • L’edicola (f)
  • (leh-DEE-koh-lah)
  • Bookstore
  • La libreria
  • (lah lee-BREH-ree-ah)
  • Restaurant
  • Il ristorante
  • (eel ree-stoh-RAHN-teh)
  • CafĂ©/Bar
  • Il bar
  • (eel bahr)
  • Pizzeria
  • La pizzeria
  • (lah peet-tseh-REE-ah)
  • Post office
  • L’ufficio postale (m)
  • (loo-FEE-choh pohs-TAH-leh)
  • Bank
  • La banca
  • (lah BAHN-kah)
  • Movie theater
  • Il cinema
  • (eel CHEE-neh-mah)
  • Theater
  • Il teatro
  • (eel teh-AH-troh)
  • Station
  • La stazione
  • (lah stah-TSYOH-neh)

Learn related vocabulary

In this section, you will expand your vocabulary related to shops and places. This will enable you to communicate more effectively about different types of establishments and their associated terms. The words are organized into three categories: services and amenities, shopping and payment terms, and describing the location of shops and places.

Services and amenities:

  • Parking
  • Il parcheggio
  • (eel par-KEH-joh)
  • ATM
  • Il bancomat
  • (eel bahn-koh-MAHT)
  • Restroom
  • Il bagno
  • (eel BAHN-yoh)
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Il Wi-Fi gratuito
  • (eel wee-fee grah-TOO-ee-toh)
  • Home delivery
  • La consegna a domicilio
  • (lah kohn-SEHN-yah ah doh-mee-CHEE-lyoh)

Shopping and payment terms:

  • Price
  • Il prezzo
  • (eel PREHT-tsoh)
  • Discount
  • Lo sconto
  • (loh SKOHN-toh)
  • Promotion
  • La promozione
  • (lah proh-moh-TSYOH-neh)
  • Offer
  • L’offerta (f)
  • (loh-fehr-TAH)
  • Credit card
  • La carta di credito
  • (lah KAR-tah dee KREH-dee-toh)

Describing the location of shops and places:

  • Close to
  • Vicino a
  • (vee-CHEE-noh ah)
  • Far from
  • Lontano da
  • (lohn-TAH-noh dah)
  • Opposite
  • Di fronte a
  • (dee FROHN-teh ah)
  • Next to
  • Accanto a
  • (ah-KAHN-toh ah)
  • On the corner
  • All’angolo
  • (al-LAHN-go-loh)

To communicate effectively and navigate your way around Italy, learning Italian vocabulary related to shops and places is essential. This guide outlines the steps you can take to familiarize yourself with the words and expand your vocabulary with related terms.

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