
Transport Vocabulary in Italian

Transportation is essential in our daily lives and conversations, so it’s crucial to learn Italian vocabulary related to it. To assist you, this class offers a comprehensive guide on how to learn essential Italian vocabulary related to transportation.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Begin by learning the most common Italian words related to transport:

  • Car
  • La macchina
  • (la mak-KEE-nah)

  • Bus
  • L’autobus (m)
  • (low-toh-BOOS)

  • Train
  • Il treno
  • (eel TREH-noh)

  • Bicycle
  • La bicicletta
  • (lah bee-chee-KLET-tah)

  • Motorcycle
  • La moto
  • (la MOH-toh)

  • Truck
  • Il camion
  • (eel ka-MYON)

  • Airplane
  • L’aereo (m)
  • (lah-EH-reh-oh)

  • Ship
  • La nave
  • (la NAH-veh)

  • Boat
  • La barca
  • (la BAR-kah)

  • Taxi
  • Il taxi
  • (eel TAK-see)

  • Subway
  • La metropolitana
  • (la meh-troh-poh-lee-TAH-nah)

  • Tram
  • Il tram
  • (eel trahm)

  • Scooter
  • Il monopattino
  • (eel moh-noh-pah-TEE-noh)

  • Rickshaw
  • Il risciĆ²
  • (eel REE-sho)

  • Funicular
  • La funicolare
  • (la foo-nee-koh-LAH-reh)

Learn related vocabulary

During this phase, you will acquire more transportation-related words that will enhance your comprehension and communication about various modes of transportation and associated concepts. The terms are categorized into three groups: locations related to transportation, actions related to transport, and public transportation tickets.

Transport-related places:

  • Station
  • La stazione
  • (la stat-TSYOH-neh)

  • Bus stop
  • La fermata dell’autobus
  • (la fer-MAH-tah del low-toh-BOOS)

  • Airport
  • L’aeroporto (m)
  • (la-eh-roh-POR-toh)

  • Port
  • Il porto
  • (eel POR-toh)

  • Bike lane
  • La pista ciclabile
  • (la PEES-tah chee-kla-BEE-leh)

Transport-related actions:

  • To drive
  • Guidare
  • (gwee-DAH-reh)

  • To park
  • Parcheggiare
  • (par-keh-JAH-REH)

  • To travel
  • Viaggiare
  • (vee-ah-JAH-reh)

  • To take a means of transport
  • Prendere un mezzo
  • (PREN-deh-reh oon MEHT-zoh)

  • To change trains/buses
  • Cambiare treno/bus
  • (kam-bee-AH-reh TREH-noh/boos)

Public transport tickets:

  • Ticket
  • Il biglietto
  • (eel beel-YET-toh)

  • Subscription, pass
  • L’abbonamento (m)
  • (lah-boh-nah-MEN-toh)

  • Fare
  • La tariffa
  • (la tah-REEF-fah)

  • Fine
  • La multa
  • (la MOOL-tah)

  • Validation (of a ticket)
  • La validazione
  • (la vah-lee-dah-TSYOH-neh)

To communicate effectively and navigate around Italy, learning Italian words related to transportation is essential. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on familiarizing yourself with these words and expanding your vocabulary with related terms.

Tap the button below to access a complete list of Italian transport vocabulary with audio.

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