
Arts and Music in Spanish

To improve your Spanish language skills, learning vocabulary related to arts and music is crucial. This will allow you to participate in conversations about creative interests, attend events, and discuss artistic pursuits. This class will provide a helpful guide with step-by-step instructions to learn essential Spanish vocabulary related to arts and music.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for arts and music-related terms. This list will help you get started:

  • Art
  • El arte
  • (el AHR-teh)

  • Music
  • La música
  • (lah MOO-see-kah)

  • Painter
  • El pintor / La pintora
  • (el peen-TOHR / lah peen-TOH-rah)

  • Sculptor
  • El escultor / La escultora
  • (el es-kool-TOHR / lah es-kool-TOH-rah)

  • Gallery
  • La galería
  • (lah gah-leh-REE-ah)

  • Museum
  • El museo
  • (el moo-SEH-oh)

  • Exhibition
  • La exposición
  • (lah eks-poh-see-see-OHN)

  • Painting
  • El cuadro
  • (el KWAH-droh)

  • Sculpture
  • La escultura
  • (lah es-kool-TOO-rah)

  • Photography
  • La fotografía
  • (lah foe-toh-grah-FEE-ah)

  • Band
  • La banda
  • (lah BAHN-dah)

  • Singer
  • El cantante / La cantante
  • (el kahn-TAHN-teh / lah kahn-TAHN-teh)

  • Musician
  • El músico / La música
  • (el MOO-see-koh / lah MOO-see-kah)

  • Concert
  • El concierto
  • (el kohn-see-EHR-toh)

  • Instrument
  • El instrumento
  • (el een-stroo-MEHN-toh)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your knowledge of arts and music by familiarizing yourself with vocabulary related to various art forms, musical genres, and other related terms. This will enable you to have more stimulating conversations about your creative interests.

Art forms:

  • Painting
  • La pintura
  • (lah peen-TOO-rah)

  • Dance
  • La danza
  • (lah DAHN-sah)

  • Theater
  • El teatro
  • (el teh-AH-troh)

  • Ceramics
  • La cerámica
  • (lah seh-RAH-mee-kah)

  • Architecture
  • La arquitectura
  • (lah ahr-kee-TEK-too-rah)

Musical genres:

  • Classical music
  • La música clásica
  • (lah MOO-see-kah KLAH-see-kah)

  • Jazz
  • El jazz
  • (el jazz) / (el hahss)
  • Note that the ‘j’ in Spanish sounds more like an English ‘h’.

  • Rock
  • El rock
  • (el rohk)

  • Pop
  • El pop
  • (el pohp)

  • Electronic music
  • La música electrónica
  • (lah MOO-see-kah eh-lehk-TROH-nee-kah)

Other related terms:

  • Inspiration
  • La inspiración
  • (lah een-spee-rah-see-OHN)

  • Creativity
  • La creatividad
  • (lah kreh-ah-tee-vee-DAHD)

  • Technique
  • La técnica
  • (lah TEHK-nee-kah)

  • Composition
  • La composición
  • (lah kohm-poh-see-see-OHN)

  • Performance
  • La interpretación
  • (lah een-tehr-preh-tah-see-OHN)

To become fluent in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to arts and music is essential. Follow the steps to become familiar with these words, practice them in context, and increase your vocabulary with related terms. To access a complete art and music vocabulary list with audio, tap the button below.

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