
Body Parts in Spanish

To expand your vocabulary in Spanish, learning the names of body parts is crucial. Doing so will enable you to describe physical features, discuss health matters, and express sensations or emotions. This class will guide you through acquiring essential Spanish vocabulary for body parts step by step.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for body parts. This list will help you get started:

  • Head
  • La cabeza
  • (lah keh-BAH-sah)

  • Hair
  • El cabello / pelo
  • (ehl kah-BEH-yoh / PEH-loh)

  • Face
  • La cara
  • (lah KAH-rah)

  • Eyes
  • Los ojos
  • (lohss OH-hohs)

  • Nose
  • La nariz
  • (lah NAH-rees)

  • Mouth
  • La boca
  • (lah BOH-kah)

  • Lips
  • Los labios
  • (lohs LAH-byohs)

  • Teeth
  • Los dientes
  • (lohs DYEN-tehs)

  • Tongue
  • La lengua
  • (lah LEHNG-gwah)

  • Ears
  • Las orejas
  • (lahs oh-REH-hahs)

  • Neck
  • El cuello
  • (ehl KWEH-yoh)

  • Shoulders
  • Los hombros
  • (lohs OHM-brohs)

  • Chest
  • El pecho
  • (ehl PEH-choh)

  • Back
  • La espalda
  • (lah ehs-PAHL-dah)

  • Arms
  • Los brazos
  • (lohs BRAH-sohs)

  • Hands
  • Las manos
  • (lahs MAH-nohs)

  • Fingers
  • Los dedos
  • (lohs DEH-dohs)

  • Stomach
  • El estómago
  • (ehl eh-STOH-mah-goh)

  • Legs
  • Las piernas
  • (lahs pyehr-nahs)

  • Knees
  • Las rodillas
  • (lahs roh-DEE-yahs)

  • Feet
  • Los pies
  • (lohs pyehs)

  • Toes
  • Los dedos de los pies
  • (lohs DEH-dohs deh lohs pyehs)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your knowledge of the human body by familiarizing yourself with health-related terms, physical sensations, and other relevant vocabulary. This will enable you to engage in more meaningful conversations about health and wellness.

Health and sensations:

  • Pain
  • El dolor
  • (el doh-lor)

  • Health
  • La salud
  • (lah sah-lood)

  • Fever
  • La fiebre
  • (lah fee-eh-bre)

  • Cold (illness)
  • El resfriado
  • (el res-free-ah-doh)

  • Flu
  • La gripe
  • (lah gree-peh)

Other related terms:

  • Doctor
  • El médico / La médica
  • (el MEH-dee-koh / lah MEH-dee-kah)

  • Nurse
  • El enfermero / La enfermera
  • (el en-fehr-MEH-roh / lah en-fehr-MEH-rah)

  • Hospital
  • El hospital
  • (el oh-spee-TAHL)

  • Pharmacy
  • La farmacia
  • (lah fahr-MAH-see-ah)

  • Doctor’s office
  • El consultorio
  • (el kohn-sul-TOR-ee-oh)

To become fluent in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to body parts is essential. You can use the steps in this guide to help familiarize yourself with these words. To access a complete list of body parts in Spanish with audio, tap the button below.

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