
Colors in Spanish

Knowing the names of colors in Spanish is crucial for expanding your vocabulary. Describing colors lets you talk about different items, express your likes and dislikes, and even assist you when shopping. This class offers a step-by-step guide to help you learn essential Spanish color vocabulary comprehensively.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for colors. This list will help you get started:

  • Red
  • Rojo / Roja
  • (ROH-hoh / ROH-hah)

  • Blue
  • Azul
  • (ah-SOOL)

  • Green
  • Verde
  • (BEHR-deh)

  • Yellow
  • Amarillo / Amarilla
  • (ah-mah-REE-yoh / ah-mah-REE-yah)

  • Orange
  • Naranja
  • (nah-RAHN-hah)

  • Purple
  • Morado / Morada
  • (moh-RAH-doh / moh-RAH-dah)

  • Pink
  • Rosa
  • (ROH-sah)

  • Brown
  • Marrón / Café
  • (mah-ROHN / kah-FEH)

  • Black
  • Negro / Negra
  • (NEH-groh / NEH-grah)

  • White
  • Blanco / Blanca
  • (BLAHN-koh / BLAHN-kah)

  • Gray
  • Gris
  • (greess)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your knowledge of colors by discovering terms related to shades, tones, and other color-related concepts. Doing so will enable you to engage in more detailed conversations about colors and visual elements.

Shades and tones:

  • Light
  • Claro / Clara
  • (KLAH-roh / KLAH-rah)

  • Dark
  • Oscuro / Oscura
  • (ohs-KOO-roh / ohs-KOO-rah)

  • Bright
  • Brillante
  • (bree-YAHN-teh)

  • Pastel
  • Pastel
  • (pahs-TEHL)

Other related terms:

  • Rainbow
  • El arcoíris
  • (el ahr-koh-EER-ees)

  • Color palette
  • La paleta de colores
  • (lah pah-LEH-tah deh koh-LOH-rehs)

  • Colorful
  • Colorido / Colorida
  • (koh-loh-REE-doh / koh-loh-REE-dah)

  • Hue
  • Tono
  • (TOH-noh)

  • Saturation
  • Saturación
  • (sah-too-rah-SEE-ohn)

To become fluent in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to colors is essential. This guide outlines the steps to help you familiarize yourself with these words, practice them in context, and expand your vocabulary with related terms. Tap the button below to access a complete list of Spanish colors with audio.

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