
Family Member’s Vocabulary in Spanish

If you want to expand your Spanish vocabulary, it’s essential to learn the names of family members. This knowledge will allow you to talk about your family, ask others about their families, and converse about relationships and family life. To help you with this, we’ve created a step-by-step guide that covers essential Spanish vocabulary related to family members.

Familiarize yourself with the basics

Start by learning the most common Spanish words for family members. This list will help you get started:

  • Family
  • La familia
  • (lah fah-mee-lyah)

  • Mother / Mom
  • La madre / Mamá
  • (lah mah-dreh / mah-mah)

  • Father / Dad
  • El padre / Papá
  • (el pah-dreh / pah-pah)

  • Parents
  • Los padres
  • (lohs pah-drehs)

  • Son
  • El hijo
  • (el ee-hoh)

  • Daughter
  • La hija
  • (lah ee-hah)

  • Children
  • Los hijos
  • (lohs ee-hohs)

  • Brother
  • El hermano
  • (el ehr-mah-noh)

  • Sister
  • La hermana
  • (lah ehr-mah-nah)

  • Grandfather
  • El abuelo
  • (el ah-bweh-loh)

  • Grandmother
  • La abuela
  • (lah ah-bweh-lah)

  • Grandparents
  • Los abuelos
  • (lohs ah-bweh-lohs)

  • Grandson
  • El nieto
  • (el nee-eh-toh)

  • Granddaughter
  • La nieta
  • (lah nee-eh-tah)

  • Uncle
  • El tío
  • (el tee-oh)

  • Aunt
  • La tía
  • (lah tee-ah)

  • Male cousin
  • El primo
  • (el pree-moh)

  • Female cousin
  • La prima
  • (lah pree-mah)

  • Nephew
  • El sobrino
  • (el soh-bree-noh)

  • Niece
  • La sobrina
  • (lah soh-bree-nah)

  • Husband
  • El esposo / Marido
  • (el ehs-poh-soh / mah-ree-doh)

  • Wife
  • La esposa / Mujer
  • (lah eh-spoh-sah / moo-hehr)

Learn related vocabulary

Enhance your family’s vocabulary by acquiring words associated with relationships, family occasions, and other related expressions. This will enable you to have more fascinating discussions about family aspects.


  • Married
  • Casado / Casada
  • (kah-sah-doh / kah-sah-dah)

  • Single
  • Soltero / Soltera
  • (sohl-teh-roh / sohl-teh-rah)

  • Divorced
  • Divorciado / Divorciada
  • (dee-vohr-syah-doh / dee-vohr-syah-dah)

  • Widowed
  • Viudo / Viuda
  • (bee-oo-doh / bee-oo-dah)

Family events:

  • Wedding
  • La boda
  • (lah BOH-dah)

  • Birthday
  • El cumpleaños
  • (el koom-play-ahn-yohs)

  • Anniversary
  • El aniversario
  • (el ah-nee-behr-SAH-ree-oh)

  • Family reunion
  • La reunión familiar
  • (lah reh-oo-nyohn fah-mee-LYAR)

Other related terms:

  • Relatives
  • Parientes
  • (pah-REE-en-tes)

  • Generation
  • Generación
  • (heh-neh-rah-see-YON)

  • Tradition
  • Tradición
  • (trah-dee-SYOHN)

  • Heritage
  • Herencia
  • (eh-REHN-see-ah)

To become fluent in Spanish, learning vocabulary related to family members is crucial. This guide provides steps to help you familiarize yourself with these words, practice them in context, and expand your vocabulary with related terms. Tap the button below for a complete list of family members in Spanish with audio.

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